首頁 > 教育 > 印度網友評:全球4000頂尖科學家10名印度科學家上榜,中國482人







India boasts of eminent science and social science institutes like IISc, IITs, TIFR, JNU and Tiss. Yet, only 10 Indians figure among the world』s top 1% highly-cited researchers (HCR) in the two fields. To top it, some of the 10 are not from the country』s leading institutes. The list, comprising over 4,000 of the globe』s most 『influential』 researchers has been released by firm Clarivate Analytics.

雖然 印度擁有眾多著名的科學和社會科研機構,如印度科學院、印度理工學院、塔塔基礎研究院、尼赫魯大學以及塔塔社會科學研究院,然而,只有10名印度人入圍全球排名前1%的高被引學者榜單。而且,這10人中有一些並非來自印度頂尖學府。由Clarivate Analytics公司發布的這份榜單囊括了全球最具「影響力」的4000多名科研人員。

Eminent scientist and former head of the scientific advisory council to the PM, CNR Rao, figures on the list. More than 80% of the names in the list, which covers over 60 countries, come from only 10 countries. Remarkably, 70% are from just five countries. Among institutions, Harvard University has the highest representation on the list, with 186 names.


While India』s representation is negligible, China with 482 names is third on the list. The US tops the list with 2,639 names and the UK comes second with 546 names


JNU』s Dinesh Mohan, who figures on the list, said that till last year, less than five Indians would be on the list. 「This year, they have included an additional category of 『cross-field』, which took the number to 10,」 he said. Rao said India must improve its quality of research, along with quantity to improve citations. 「About 15 years ago, China and India were at the same level. But China contributes to 15-16% of science in the world and ours is only about 3-4%,」 he said. Ashok Pandey, from CSIR』s Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, is the only HCR from CSIR, which has a network of 5,000 scientists. 「It is a matter of concern and needs to be addressed by the government, and stakeholders, including scientists,」 he said. IIT-Kanpur professor Avinash Agarwal, who is on the list, said applied research does not get enough respect in a country like India, which is obsessed with fundamental research. 「We need to improve our research ecosystem... Predatory journals, where you pay and publish, need to be penalised.」

尼赫魯大學的迪內什·莫漢也榜上有名,他表示,直到去年,只有不到5名印度人上榜,「今年,他們又增加了一個『交叉領域』的類別,使得印度上榜人數增加到了10人。」拉奧則表示,印度印度必須在提高論文引用數量的同時提高研究質量。「大約15年前,中國和印度處於同一水平。但中國對世界科學的貢獻在15-16%,而我們的貢獻只有3-4%。」 科學與工業研究理事會(CSIR)下屬印度毒理學研究所的阿肖克·潘迪是CSIR5000名科學家中唯一上榜的,他表示:「這是一個值得關注的問題,需要政府以及包括科學家在內的利益相關者加以解決。」印度理工學院坎普爾分校的阿維納什·阿加瓦爾教授也在名單上,他說,在印度這樣一個痴迷於基礎研究的國家,應用研究沒有得到足夠的重視,我們需要改善研究生態系統。

The other Indian names on the list are: Alok and Jyoti Mittal (a married couple; Jyoti is the only woman researcher on the list) from NIT Bhopal; Rajnish Kumar from IIT-Madras; Sanjeeb Sahoo from Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar; Rajeev Varshney from International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad; Sakthivel Rathinaswamy from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

其他上榜的印度科學家為:來自博帕爾國家技術研究所的 Alok和Jyoti Mittal(一對已婚夫婦,Jyoti是唯一上榜的印度女性學者);印度理工學院的Rajnish Kumar;布巴內斯瓦爾生命科學研究所的Sanjeeb Sahoo;來自海得拉巴半乾旱熱帶地區國際作物研究所的Rajeev Varshney以及來自哥印拜陀巴拉提亞大學的Sakthivel Rathinaswamy。




KIRAN NAIR - PUNE - 8 hours ago -Follow

Our scientist does not get any recognition in India, so how can we expect them on world ranking


Ms - 7 hours ago -Follow

Because there is no reservation quota or Vote-bank reservation for global scientists......


lmndave - Location - 4 hours ago -Follow

We have the best brains in the world but alas. we have the worst political environment which encourages poisonous social fabric.


Anthony Morais - 4 hours ago -Follow

As I have said before India punches well below its weight in all matters. China is 3 times the size of India but its number of top scientists is 48 times higher, its GDP is 4 times higher, its defence budget is 8 times higher. It does much better at the Asian Games and Olympics. Why? Because India is obsessed with politics, caste and religious strife,


Modipanics - 3 hours ago -Follow

How can we get world-class scientist when 72% of seats are reserved by caste classification in admissions and jobs


Ganesh Vishvas - Bangalore - 6 hours ago -Follow

In India meritorious students are selectively targeted and suppressed.


Kinjal Datta - Chicago - 7 hours ago -Follow

As expected we there are only Hindu scientists which shows that Hindus prioritizes education


Rajesh - 4 hours ago -Follow

we are busy in boasting how India was around 5000 years back.


Gsn Murthy - Rajamahendravaram - 5 hours ago -Follow

Scientists are the products of society. If the society is rich in academic charecter and inquisitive learning and experimentation , it will naturally churn out quality luminaries and scientists. The encouragement and grants by government though will help cannot ensure .


Jumla Expert - 6 hours ago -Follow

India""s national hobby and sport is Raping women and Shyting on the streets.


Rai Saheb - 5 hours ago -Follow

India won only Nobel Prize in Science before 1947. After Independence, Hindu hater Nehru made Mualana Abul Kalam Azaad our 1st education ministe


Varun - Bangalore - 4 hours ago -Follow

With half the seats in education are given on quota system, what can we expect from India? We are only making cyber coolies


Excabar Poseidon - Kolkata - 4 hours ago -Follow

Coz we have moron bhakts will dont want to use science they are happy with building atatues from chinas help


India best - India - 7 hours ago

Unfair report. Most of those scientists in the US and UK are Indians. So Indians are still the best in the world.


India talents - USA - 8 hours ago

Indians should realize their endless boasts that India has most talents in science and engineering are nothing but pure garbage. Indians are always eager to congratulate themselves but others do not agree. None of India""s IITs IIS is ranked in the too 100 in the world by any rating scheme. Indians always accuse China of stealing technology, copycat, but China has 482 recognized scientists vs 10 in India. BIG mouth can never match truth and facts.


Gentleman - India - 3 hours ago -Follow

Our school systems and colleges are horrible, mostly teachers have no creativity or imagination. They teach students to mug up text books rather than create interest in subjects. No wonder people don"t grow up to become scientists.


lagoon94086 - Location - 5 hours ago -Follow

We""re busy with politics, recently started religious clashes, caste clashes.. No funding for scientific studies but 5000 crores for statues..One more we can""t steal scientific papers outside India like China to publish that many papers..We only steal or backstab our own scientists in India ...


Duck Good - Canada - 4 hours ago -Follow

Most them at least 30 of them live abroad, left India 50 years ago.


King Of - USA - 5 hours ago -Follow

education means ...marks which you get by sheer " RATTA"..or learning by rote!!!

no scope for independent Thinking...challenging the norm...hence no innovation in India.. no significant patents registered...and no investment in R & D...


Ms - 7 hours ago -Follow ·

Why Rahul Gandhi name not found in the list....????

為什麼拉胡爾·甘地沒有上榜? ? ? ?

Riyfkm - India - 8 hours ago -Follow

What to do .. All our Greatest scientists died long long ago ... Ancient times ....

And then we have jealous people claiming all modern invention/Discovery are actually stolen from Quran, when it"s in RigVeda, Bhagwad Gita, etc




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