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消業的機會 Chances to Eliminate Karmic Obscuration



Whenever you meet with ups and downs about your health, your family or your work, don"t be afraid, because all will be fine, and this is a good thing. Without going through wind and rain, we can"t see the rainbow; without going through ups and downs, we can"t become the Buddha. Wisdom is got by dealing with people and affairs. Meeting a kind of unfavorable condition can help us rise to a higher level; meeting with a barrier can help us get wisdom.



After really learning Buddhism and practicing, if you are in poor health, that"s good; if you aren"t happy, that"s good! Because these diseases and barriers are always there, and they just begin to manifest, so just face them. Facing them smartly and bravely will become practice and Buddhas path, help you improve and give you chances. Without these, how can wisdom come out? How can bad karmas be eliminated? If you can hold it, it"s eliminating diseases instead of getting them; it"s eliminating devils instead of being bedeviled. This way, both the original diseases and devils will disappear. Transforming mind is very important. With transforming mind, karmas will be eliminated; with karmas eliminated, causes and effects will end.



Actually, all are good. Whether he is smiling to you or becomes angry with you; whether he helps you or hurts you, he is always giving you chances to grow and surpass. Without these chances, how can you become Buddha? If he doesn"t scold you, beat you, hurt you or cheat you, without these tests, how can you practice tolerance? All are showing teachings and helping you get enlightened; all are giving you chances to get liberated, but the key is whether you can hold it.



If you haven』t transformed mind to hold it, but got trapped and made yourself stressed and painful, you are sick and bedeviled; if you have held it, you are eliminating diseases and devils, which is a good thing.




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