首頁 > 新聞 > PNAS:上海巴斯德所在惡性瘧原蟲免疫逃逸的分子機理研究中取得重要進展


瘧疾是一類嚴重威脅人類健康的寄生蟲病。致病性最強的惡性瘧原蟲每年在全世界範圍內造成數以億計的臨床感染病例,並導致近50萬人死亡。近日,中國科學院上海巴斯德研究所江陸斌課題組在PNAS在線發表了題為DNA helicase RecQ1 regulates mutually exclusive expression of virulencegenes in Plasmodium falciparum via heterochromatin alteration的最新研究成果。研究發現DNA解旋酶PfRecQ1調控惡性瘧原蟲抗原變異基因家族相互排斥性表達的分子機制,為深入理解惡性瘧原蟲免疫逃逸的分子機理提供了新的線索,並為新型抗瘧葯的研發提供了一個全新的潛在靶點。


研究團隊曾先後證明組蛋白甲基化酶PfSET2(Nature,2013)與一類長鏈非編碼RNA(Front Microbiol,2018)分別參與調節了var基因的沉默和激活。但由於傳統的惡性瘧原蟲基因編輯技術周期長、效率低,直接阻礙了研究人員對整個var基因調控網路的解析,因此其他相關調控因子目前仍不清楚。





The Plasmodium falciparum var gene family encodes ~60 surface antigens by which parasites escape the host immune responses via clonal expression of var genes. However, the mechanism controlling this mutual exclusivity, associated with alterations in chromatin assembly, is not understood. Here, we determined how expression of the var gene family is regulated by two RecQ DNA helicase family members, PfRecQ1 and PfWRN, in P.falciparum. Through genetic manipulation, we found that the complete var repertoire was silenced on PfRecQ1 knockout, whereas their expression did not show noticeable changes when PfWRN was knocked out. More important, mutually exclusive expression of var genes could be rescued by complementation ofPfRecQ1. In addition, knocking out either of these two helicase genes changed the perinuclear cluster distribution of subtelomeres and subtelomeric vargenes. Whereas deletion of PfRecQ1 increased the heterochromatin marktri methylated (H3K9me3) at the transcription start site (TSS) of the var geneups C1, that deletion had no effect on the global distribution of H3K9me3 overgene bodies, including those for the var genes. ChIP-seq assay showed thatPfRecQ1 was enriched globally at the TSSs of all genes, whereas PfWRN-enrichedregions occurred at the gene bodies of the var gene family, but not of other genes or at TSSs of all genes. On PfRecQ1 deletion, the upsC1 var gene moved from the active perinuclear transcription region to a silenced region of theupsC type. These findings imply that PfRecQ1, but not PfWRN, is essential formaintaining the clonal expression of var genes.

1. Zhou Li, Shigang Yin, Maoxin Sun, Xiu Cheng,Jieqiong Wei, Nicolas Gilbert, Jun Miao, Liwang Cui, Zhenghui Huang, Xueyu Dai,and Lubin Jiang. DNA helicase RecQ1regulates mutually exclusive expression of virulence genes in Plasmodiumfalciparum via heterochromatin alteration. PNASFebruary 19, 2019 116 (8) 3177-3182; published ahead of print February 19, 2019.

2. 中科院上海巴斯德所:上海巴斯德所發現DNA解旋酶PfRecQ1調控惡性瘧原蟲抗原變異基因家族相互排斥性表達的分子機制.





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