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BREAKDANCING is set be an Olympic sport at the 2024 Games in Paris - despite an avalanche of criticism from critics who say it"s "not a proper sport"


素材來源:每日郵報 翻譯:世界播

Busting a move on a Friday night could well lead to landing a gold medal at the Olympics, if the organisers of Paris 2024 have their way.


The organisers for the Parisian installment of the world"s greatest sporting event in five years" time have announced breakdancing as a potential new sport.


According to head of the 2024 organising committee Tony Estanquet, the proposal is in part an attempt to make the Games "more urban" and "more artistic".


The sport will be one of four proposed to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) along with surfing, climbing and skateboarding. The ICO must reach a decision on its inclusion by December 2020.


News of the announcement has been greeted with shock and surprise by sports fans on Twitter, with some suggesting it must be an early April Fools" day joke, while others even proposed Sportsmail columnist Peter Crouch as potential Team GB candidates.


Paco Boxy, director of the British Breaking League which organises competitions across the UK, said he was delighted by the news.

在英國各地組織比賽的「British Breaking League」負責人帕克?博克西說,他對這個消息感到高興。

"For me personally I think it"s fantastic news, not only for the young generation but also for the credibility of breakdancing to be classed as a sport," the 35-year-old said.


"A lot of people will look at breakdancing as just spinning on your head or doing the worm, but the people that I know train like athletes. They go to the gym swimming, train every day.


"For this to go in the Olympics is massive, absolutely humongous."


Competitive breakdancing, or breaking, is unsurprisingly a little more complicated than your average Friday night shuffle.


The sport was included in the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires in 2018, with Russia"s Sergei Chernyshev, competing under the name Bumblebee, winning the first gold medal in the boys" event.


In 2018, breaking saw 12 male and twelve female dancers compete over two days in three events, men"s, women"s and mixed team. The dancers faced off in a battle format and were judged and scored.


Breakdancing probably wouldn"t take the title as the most unusual sport to have featured at the Olympic Games.


Horse long jump featured at the 1900 Games - also in Paris - and was won by Constant van Langhendonck of Belgium on his horse "Extra-dry".

1900年巴黎奧運會上,比利時選手康斯坦?范?朗登克騎著他的馬「Extra Dry」贏得了跳遠比賽的冠軍。

Bizarrely, solo synchronised swimming featured at three Olympic Games between 1984 and 1992 as a women-only event. Tracie Ruiz of the United States took gold in its first appearance, in LA in 1984.




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