首頁 > 佛學 > 為什麼有些人作惡多端還春風得意?Why do some people do evil but prosper?

為什麼有些人作惡多端還春風得意?Why do some people do evil but prosper?


Question: Isn』t Buddha Dharma about retribution for sin? Why do some people do evil but prosper?


Guru answers: In today』s society, some people are very bad and create bad karma by hook or by crook, however, they did not get any retribution. While some people are so kind to others and try their best to perform the good, but they never get rewards. Hence, many people are suspecting cause and effect.


There is no doubt that karma is inconceivable. Retributions come in all shapes and sizes and one day it will occur, but there need some time. It doesn"t mean there is no retribution, just the time is not yet up! There must be retribution until the right time. Some retributions occur in the present life, some will be in the next life and some may occur after many generations. "The time is not yet up." We should know that.



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