首頁 > 趣味 > 這些航空公司還沒停飛波音737MAX8?外國網友:快向中國學習!


繼中國暫時停飛所有波音737-MAX 8 客機後,全球多國也採取了同樣措施,比如印度尼西亞、新加坡等。



圖 via VCG;當地時間2019年3月11日,衣索比亞比斯霍夫圖,工人們繼續在衣索比亞航空公司ET302航班墜毀地點進行現場清理和遺體搜尋工作。



圖 via Global Times;全球多家航空運營商停飛波音737-8型客機,儘管美國稱無安全隱患

More countrieshave grounded Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraftin the wake ofthe Ethiopian Airlines crash, even as USaviation regulatorscontinue to express confidence in the safety of the model.


A total of 23 airlines around the world have suspended flights involving the 737 Max 8 as of 13:00 on Tuesday, accounting for almost half of the carriers among Boeing"s 47 customers, according to data from the New York Times.


「More countries ground Boeing 737 Max 8 fleets despite US safety guarantee" via Global Times

但截至發稿時間,全球一些航空公司,目前還在使用波音737 MAX 8客機。

圖 via CNN; 哪些航空公司還未停飛波音737MAX8機型?


American Airlines 美國航空公司

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The US carrierhas 24 737 MAX 8 aircraft in its fleet and saysit has no plans to ground them at the moment.

這家美國航空公司目前有24架波音737 MAX 8 客機。該航空公司稱暫時沒有停飛該機型的計劃

"At this time there are no facts on the cause of the accident other than news reports," read the statement. "We have full confidence in the aircraftand our crew members, who are the best and most experienced in the industry."

「到目前為止,衣索比亞航空墜機事件的原因並沒有確切的調查結果, 只有一些新聞報道。我們對自己的飛機和員工有足夠信心。我們的員工是業內最優秀也是最有經驗的,」 美國航空公司在一份官方聲明中表示。

Southwest Airlines 美國西南航空公司

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The US carrier has 34 of the aircraft in its fleet and says it does not plan to change its operational policies or procedures.

這家美國航空運營商有34架波音737 MAX 8 客機。該航空公司表示,目前該公司並無計劃改變其運營政策和流程。

"We remain confident in the safety and airworthiness of our fleetof more than 750 Boeing aircraft," read a statement from the airline.


Norwegian Airlines 挪威航空

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Norwegian will continue to operate its 18 737 MAX 8 aircraftas normal, according to Tomas Hesthammer, Director of Flight Operations.

挪威航空的飛行運營部門總監Tomas Hesthammer表示,公司18架波音737 MAX 8 客機會照常運營。

"We arein close dialogue withBoeing and follow their andthe aviation authorities" instructions and recommendations," Hesthammer said in a statement. "Our passengers" safety is and will alwaysbe our top priority."

Hesthammer在一份聲明中表示:「挪威航空與波音公司保持密切聯繫;我們遵守波音公司以及民航管理部門的指示和建議。 確保乘客的安全,一直且永遠是我們的首要任務。」


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TUI Aviation has 15 of the aircraft in its fleet.

荷蘭TUI航空公司持有15架波音737 MAX 8 客機。

"We do not comment on any speculation and we are, as always, in close contact with the manufacturer," reads a statement from the airline. "We have no indication that we can"t operate our 737 MAX in a safe way like we do with all other planes in our network."

該公司的官方聲明說:「我們不對任何猜測發表評論。我們一如既往地與波音公司保持密切聯繫。沒有證據顯示我們的737 MAX 客機不能像我們其他型號的客機一樣安全飛行。」

Fiji Airways:斐濟航空

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Fiji Airways currently flies two 737 MAX 8 aircraft and has three on order for 2019.

斐濟航空目前繼續使用兩架波音737 MAX 8 客機。該航空公司2019年還訂了3架該機型的客機。


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Icelandair says it flies three Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, whichhave not been involved in any incidents.

冰島航空表示,它將繼續飛行三架波音737 MAX客機,因為這三架飛機從沒捲入過任何事故

"At this stage, Icelandair is not taking any action following recent events, but we will, however, follow any developments closely and continue todo all we can toensure safety on board now as before," the airline said in a statement.



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據報道,迪拜航空公司有11架波音737 MAX 8 客機。這些客機都將繼續投入使用。



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Canadian airline WestJet says it has 13 MAX 8 aircraft and a total of 121 Boeing 737s in its fleet.

該航空公司擁有的飛機中共有121架波音737系列飛機;其中有13架是波音737 MAX 8 客機。

GOL Linhas Aéreas:勒莫國航(巴西)

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The Brazilian airline has seven 737 MAX 8s in its fleet, part of a total 121 Boeing aircraft.

該巴西航空公司的飛機隊伍中共有121架波音的飛機,其中有7架是波音737 MAX 8 機型。

調查結果公布之前,你還敢乘坐波音737 MAX 8 機型的客機嗎?

文:Global Times; CNN

圖:Global Times; CNN; VCG;網路



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