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美國評論媒體TC Candler公布了2018年亞太區、中國區「最帥/最美的100張面孔」名單。憑藉《戰狼2》和《流浪地球》名聲大噪的吳京力壓眾多小鮮肉榮登兩個男性榜單的首位。本次榜單上,除了常見的小鮮肉吳亦凡王嘉爾外,大叔們也是表現不俗,沈騰更是力壓蔡徐坤成為第21名。沈騰傲嬌表示「拒絕領獎」。

以下是Global Times雙語報道:

Jason Wu tops most handsome list

Chinese actor Jason Wu has been crowned the most handsome man in Asia while Chinese actor Hu Ge, Chinese singer Kris Wu and Jackson Wang ranked in the top ten, according to American film critic TC Candler, sparking wows and a row on social media.

美國評論媒體TC Candler宣布,吳京叔叔摘得亞太區、中國區最帥面孔桂冠! 我老大胡歌、歌手吳亦凡和王嘉爾都入圍亞太區榜單前十。消息一出,網友們的反應基本上是:啥?啥!哇!

TC Candler, a veteran professional film critic, released his annual lists of the top 100 most handsome and beautiful Asian and Chinese people on Saturday. Jason Wu, who is in his forties, beat out younger Chinese heartthrobs including Lu Han and Kris Wu, and topped both the Asian and Chinese lists. His latest movies include the megahitsWolf WarriorandThe Wandering Earth.

TC Candler,美國資深影評媒體人,周六發布了2018年亞太區、中國區「最帥/最美100張面孔」名單。咱們四十有餘、不惑之年的吳京叔叔,憑藉創造票房神話的代表作《戰狼》和《流浪地球》,力壓鹿晗、吳亦凡等一眾當紅小鮮肉,被評為最最最帥的亞洲人、中國人。

While netizens flooded Wu with congratulations, Chinese comedian Shen Teng, who ranked 21st on the Asian list and 10th on the Chinese list, wrote jokingly that he would refuse to accept the honor, unless he had ranked higher. Many of his fans offered support, with comments like "you"re no.1 in my heart."


然而另一邊,意外成為亞太區帥哥第21名以及中國區帥哥第10名的沈騰叔叔,並不滿意他的成績,發了條傲嬌的微博:「什麼?21?拒絕領獎 謝謝[微笑] 」。沈叔叔不開心了,那可怎麼行!粉絲們紛紛跑去安慰沈叔叔,並獻上 「彩虹屁」:「你是我心中的No.1!」

Many fans of popular young stars were upset that their youthful idols didn"t make the list.


原文/翻譯:Xu Keyue




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