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紅山文化 高古玉面具


紅山文化 高古玉面具

規格:通長:13.7cm 重:413.6g















Introduction to Collection of Gao Gu Yu Masks from Hongshan Culture;

Masks are symbols and portraiture symbols of the inner world of ancient ancestors. They are also materialized expressions of nature worship, tribal totems and deceased clan relatives.

Masks, with their rich connotations and special shapes, are widely used in hunting, war, sacrifice, witchcraft, funeral and other activities, leaving an important cultural landscape across the world, looking at ancient and modern times, and still shine brilliantly on various performance stages with ancient national characteristics.

China is one of the countries with the longest history of masks and the widest spread of masks in the world. Compared with masks of other countries and nationalities, Chinese masks have various types, vivid shapes, unique shapes and distinctive national characteristics.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chinese masks are among the top masks in the world, occupying a prominent position. Among them, Nuo masks, Tibetan masks and Shaman masks are the most popular and influential masks. They embody the verve of China"s original culture, show the interest and thoughts of eastern aesthetics, and are the artistic treasures of mask culture in the world.

The materials used to process masks in ancient times were many and varied, including wood carving, leather, cloth, gold, silver, copper and other metals, as well as stone carving and pottery clay firing. The most exquisite and colorful is the jade mask.

The ancient ancestors had no paper or other painting tools and could not keep their most revered and memorable images and stories forever. As a result, they chose harder stones and left eternal rock paintings on the cliff.

By the same token, they chose precious mei-yu to ponder over and learn from each other, and preserved the totems of ancient tribes, heroes of primitive myths and the images of deceased ancestors forever.

Every time sacrificial activities and religious ceremonies are held, these jade masks are put on to perform, to protect the safety of the tribe and to drive away evil spirits ...

Speaking of jade masks, many people often confuse them with jade burial masks unearthed from tombs, also known as " jade overlays." In fact, that is completely different.

The ancients believed that jade could not only communicate with heaven and earth, but also with ghosts and gods. Man has not only life but also soul. As long as one"s soul remains immortal after death, one can continue to enjoy life in another world.

Recently, xiamen bode fufu has collected a piece of high ancient jade mask of hongshan culture. the size and diameter of the collection is 13.7cm and the weight is 413.6g g. this is a high ancient jade mask carved from a whole piece of jade. its carving technique is very exquisite and skilled. the whole face is carved evenly with protruding ears on both sides, crown ornaments on the top of the head, eyes wide open, solemn and sacred expression. jade is indeed a sacrificial article. as an important carrier for gods or ancestors, jade is widely used in various ceremonial occasions in the two civilizations. Although the Chinese think jade is the elite of mountains and rivers and the ancient Indians think jade is the stone of heaven, both think jade is related to gods, health and beautiful things. They regard jade as the medium of communication between human beings and the divine world and play an extremely important role in their spiritual fields. These unusual features also make jade articles symbols of rank, power and authority.

This Gao Guyu mask is perfectly preserved. The strong color contrast between black ooze and jade gives people a solemn historical feeling. Holding this jade article seems to pass through the distant ancient times. It not only has the primitive and unsophisticated paste, thick historical and cultural atmosphere, but also has the verve and fresh appearance, fully reflecting the unique verve of Gao Guyu.




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