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民國珍品 中華民國二年 雙旗幣 貳佰文


中華民國二年 雙旗幣 貳佰文

規格: 重:24.2g 直徑:4.2cm



As a kind of antique, ancient coins have always been the focus of collectors"attention, because each historical stage in our country has its own unique form of money, which more or less reflects the social background and cultural characteristics of an era. After the founding of the Republic of China, copper yuan continued to circulate in large quantities. In 1914, the copper coin was officially renamed "copper coin". The difference between the copper coin issued in the Republic of China and the bronze coin in the Qing Dynasty was that the dragon pattern was replaced by the combination of the two flags of the Republic of China and the Jiahe pattern.


Among many modern and contemporary coin auctions, silver and copper coins are the main types of coin collection, which have always been paid attention by many collectors. Double-flag coins are not only exquisite, but also of great historical significance, and their collection value is self-evident.

「民國雙旗幣」在錢幣收藏市場名氣極 大,是中國近代機制幣中的十大名譽品之一,也是銅元收藏研究中數量很大,也是很重要的一個品類,甚至可以說是民國銅元的主體品種。

"Republican Double Flag coin" has a great reputation in the coin collection market. It is one of the ten reputable products of modern Chinese machine-made coins. It is also a very important category in the research of copper coin collection. It can even be said to be the main variety of copper coin in the Republic of China.

珍 稀錢幣成交價穩步提高,尤其是明清民國錢幣異軍突起,因存量稀 少受到高端藏家青睞,成為錢幣拍賣市場一個新的熱點。清末民初機制銀幣歷來在集幣圈裡有很深的收藏底蘊。

The transaction price of precious coins has steadily increased, especially in Ming and Qing Dynasties, the emergence of coins, because of the scarcity of stock by high-end collectors favored, become a new hot spot in the coin auction market. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the mechanism silver coin has always had a deep collection in the coin circle.

1910年12月29 日,經辛亥革命後,已光復的17省代表在南京推選孫 中 山為中華民國臨時大總統。1912年1月3日,中華民國政府宣告成立,清朝滅亡,在中國持續2000 多年的封建君主專制隨之結束。民國成立時,由於幣制尚未建立,以孫 中 山先生領導的南方革命黨成立了「民國政府」,針對當時的局勢,中華民國沿用清代的造幣設備和造幣技術,鑄造了「四川省造雙旗幣」。雙旗幣面值很多,包括一文、二文、五文、十文、二十文、五十文、一百文、二百文等,其中尤以貳佰文雙旗幣傳世量稀 少。

On December 29, 1910, after the Revolution of 1911, 17 provincial representatives who had recovered elected Sun Yat-sen as the interim president of the Republic of China in Nanjing. On January 3, 1912, the government of the Republic of China was proclaimed and the Qing Dynasty perished. The feudal monarchy which lasted for more than 2000 years in China ended. When the Republic of China was founded, because the currency system had not yet been established, the Southern Revolutionary Party led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen established the "Republic of China Government". In view of the situation at that time, the Republic of China followed the coinage equipment and coinage technology of the Qing Dynasty and minted the "Sichuan Double Banner Currency". There are many denominations of double-flag coins, including one, two, five, ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred and two hundred, among which the number of double-flag coins in Baiwen is rare.


The founder of the two hundred bronze direct reel edition of the two flags shall be a local warlord in Sichuan Province. In the early years of the Republic of China, the trend that Sichuan warlords set up their own factories to mint coins had not yet arisen, that is, a few of them were not yet large-scale, mostly for the purchase of hand-operated machines and small-scale foundry. Their engraving, plate-making and casting techniques could not be compared with those of Chengdu and Chongqing Mints. The stock of the two-hundred-character red-copper direct-reel edition of Shuangqi is very small, even less than that of the brass direct-reel edition. Both red and brass versions can be divided into several small formats according to the size of the spike of Jiasuitou on the coin surface, the length of the awn and the length of the awn, and the density of the grain.

雙旗幣兩百文現在市價趨於理性,並且值此入手的時機,希望藏友們能夠抓住這稍縱即逝的絕 佳機會,雙旗幣兩百文極其有限的發行量,標緻著其必將成為收藏界的一個傳奇!擁有一枚雙旗幣兩百文,也將是擁有財富的象徵!

The market price of the two-hundred-flag coin is becoming rational now, and it"s time to start. I hope Tibetans can seize this opportunity, which is passing away. The limited circulation of the two-hundred-flag coin will make it a legend in the collection circle. Having a two-hundred-flag coin will also be a symbol of possession of wealth!!

此件藏品中華民國二年雙旗幣貳百文銅幣,鑄工精美,紋飾深俊,文字規範,是民國二年所鑄的精 品錢幣,有著相當不錯的收藏價值。此錢幣正面中心直書「貳百文」面值,兩旁分列嘉穗圖案,上沿銹年號「中華民國二年」,下沿銹廠名「四川造幣廠造」,左右分列十字花星。鑄工精美,歲月的磨損痕迹見證了歷史,當為民國2年(1913年)四川建幣廠早期鑄造品。另一面中間有雙旗交叉而立,旗杆系有彎曲的瓔珞,雙旗筆直挺立,外環殊圈,上沿銹英文「THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA」(中華民國),下沿銹英文「200 CASH(200仙),這是民國時期 四川銅元中唯 一使用英文的一種。此幣歷經百年風雨洗禮,外表呈現出自然的包漿,醇厚的包漿見證了其沉積的前史神韻與前史文明價值,具有十分顯著的歷史過渡性特徵,歲月留痕豐厚,有著極其驚人的保藏價值和歷史價值,實乃一枚可遇不可求的珍品錢幣,價值不菲,值得入手珍藏!

This collection of two-year double-flag coins of the Republic of China is cheap hundred-character copper coins. It is exquisite in workmanship, deep in decoration and standard in writing. It is a fine coin coined in the two-year period of the Republic of China. It has a fairly good collection value. The face value of this coin is directly written in the center of the coin, with the Jiasui pattern on both sides, the rust year number "Two Years of the Republic of China" on the top and the rust factory name "Made in Sichuan Mint" on the bottom, and the Cross stars on the left and right. The foundry was exquisite and the wear and tear of the years witnessed the history. It was regarded as the early foundry of the Sichuan Mint in 1913, two years after the Republic of China. On the other side, there are two flags crossed, the flagpole has a curved prominence, the two flags stand straight and erect, the outer ring is different, along the Rust English "The REPUBLIC of CHINA" (Republic of China), along the Rust English "200 CASH" (200 immortals), which is the only one used in the Copper Yuan of Sichuan during the Republic of China. After a hundred years of baptism, the currency has a natural appearance. The mellow slurry witnesses its deposited prehistoric charm and value of prehistoric civilization. It has a very remarkable historical transitional characteristics. The years have left abundant marks. It has extremely amazing preservation value and historical value. It is indeed a rare coin with a high value and worth collecting.




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