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Henning Larsen在香港科大設計的新多功能禮堂已動工,被命名為逸夫演藝中心,是中國香港科大清水灣校區的最新擴建項目。


Henning Larsen has begun construction of a new multi-purpose auditorium for Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Dubbed the Shaw Auditorium, the project is the newest addition to the Clear Water Bay campus of Hong Kong University. The auditorium features an elliptical design with a series of concentric white rings that aims to become a dynamic new cultural venue. The building』s rounded form was made to shape campus flows as a gateway to the university and a cultural incubator for student life.




Primarily, the auditorium was designed for concerts, lectures, musicals and visual productions. The project is equipped with modular seating that can be adapted to allow for multiple arrangements, ranging from 850 to up to 1300 seats. The hall can also become a large flat floor area providing spaces for conventions or exhibitions. Reflecting the university』s pursuit for innovation, the curved auditorium walls were designed to function as a 360-degree projection screen, enabling immersive audio-visual experiences. Auxiliary classroom spaces, public furniture and an integrated cafe support the broad public program of the university, creating a cultural living room for the entire campus.


「我們旨在打造可持續亞熱帶建築的典範,希望能影響到本地的建築業,更多地將氣候因素結合到設計環節中。同時,我們還致力於創建靈活多變的演藝廳,以配合大學追求創新的理念,讓場館可以時刻充滿生機,」 Henning Larsen 合伙人和設計總監Claude Bojer Godefroy解釋說。

Sited on a hilltop overlooking Sai Kung Bay, the Shaw Auditorium takes the form of three layered white rings. The concentric volumes extend panoramic views to the surrounding scenery, doubling in function as over-sized sunshades. By reducing energy consumption, the Shaw Auditorium is poised to become the first of this type of buildings in Hong Kong to achieve a BEAM Platinum sustainability rating. 「Our design aims to become an example of a sustainable subtropical architecture, hopefully influencing the construction industry in this region to design with more consideration to our climate. We also aimed to create the most transformative and innovative auditorium in this region to match the reputation of the University, and to make sure the venue will be lively at all times,」 Partner and Design Principal at Henning Larsen, Claude Bojer Godefroy explains.

該項目是由Henning Larsen與王董建築師事務有限公司、WSP Hong Kong、Theatreplan、Marshall Day Acoustics、URBIS、Inhabit、CTA和RLB共同合作的,預計將於2021年完工。

Henning Larsen designed The Shaw Auditorium in collaboration with Wong Tung and Partners, WSP Hong Kong, Theatreplan, Marshall Day Acoustics, URBIS, Inhabit, CTA and RLB. The project is scheduled for completion in 2021.








建築師:Henning Larsen

地點:中國 香港


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