首頁 > 遊戲 > 爐石預告:單人副本冒險模式將在5月10日放出更多消息


Glad to hear you"re interested in the new single player campaign! We wanted to give everyone a few weeks after the expansion before talking about it more, but stick around, here"s the plan:

Next week on Thursday May 9th we"ll post a video where Mission Designer Giovanni Scarpati will walk you through all the stuff to come. We"ll also be announcing the launch date (don"t worry - it"s soon!). There"s a LOT to talk about, we"re pretty fired up about it. Stay tuned for more!


下周5月9日星期四(北京時間為5月10號),我們將發布一個視頻,其中任務設計師 Giovanni Scarpati 將引導您瀏覽未來的工作。我們還將宣布推出日期(不用擔心 , coming soon)。有很多話題要談,我們對此非常激動。請繼續關注更多!



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