近日,國際病原學權威期刊PLoS Pathogens在線發表了復旦大學附屬華山醫院感染科張繼明教授課題組、復旦大學上海醫學院教育部/衛計委醫學分子病毒學重點實驗室王賓教授課題組及美國印第安納大學醫學院HaitaoGuo教授課題組的最新合作研究成果。首次證實乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的HBeAg可以通過誘導單核細胞樣髓系來源免疫抑制細胞(mMDSCs)擴增而抑制T細胞功能,從而導致持續性HBV感染。
慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者存在顯著的T細胞和/或B細胞功能缺陷,其機制尚未完全闡明。HBeAg是HBV基因組的precore/core讀碼框架編碼的可分泌性蛋白,它是一種非結構蛋白,本身不參與HBV的包裝和複製。在臨床上,HBeAg水平和HBV DNA載量呈正相關;對於HBeAg陽性CHB患者,HBeAg血清學轉換(HBeAg消失和HBeAg抗體出現)是抗病毒治療的主要終點,發生HBeAg血清學轉換者,意味著HBV複製的控制和病情的緩解,停止抗病毒治療後,複發率顯著降低;HBeAg陽性孕婦娩出的嬰兒容易出現慢性HBV感染。在轉基因小鼠中,HBeAg可通過胎盤而上調小鼠肝內巨噬細胞PDL1的表達,從而抑制HBV特異性T細胞。以上發現提示,HBeAg與HBV感染預後密切相關,HBeAg可能誘導T細胞免疫耐受,是HBV持續感染的重要原因,其機制尚未明確。
Fig:Frequency of circulating mMDSCs in CHB patients
在上述研究基礎上,研究者進一步分選了慢性HBV感染免疫耐受期患者外周血中mMDSCs,並與Pan T細胞共培養,可使T細胞增殖功能及IFN-γ分泌功能下降,在培養體系中加入IDO抑製劑1-甲基色氨酸(1-methyl-tryptophan,1-MT),可恢復T細胞功能,提示HBeAg誘導的mMDSCs可通過IDO抑制T細胞功能。該研究首次發現HBeAg-mMDSCs-IDO軸可能在維持慢性HBV感染中起重要作用,為研發打破免疫耐受、恢復T細胞功能的藥物提供了理論依據。
Fig. Mode of action of HBeAg-induced expansion of mMDSCs in CHB patients.
復旦大學附屬華山醫院感染科張繼明教授課題組楊飛飛博士為該文的第一作者,余雪平博士為共同第一作者,張繼明教授、王賓教授及Haitao Guo教授為共同通訊作者。該研究得到了國家科技部傳染病重大專項,國家自然科學基金等課題的資助。
Title:Hepatitis B e antigen induces the expansion ofmonocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cellsto dampen T-cell function in chronic hepatitisB virus infection
Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is associated with functionally impaired virus-specific T cell responses. Although the myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are known to play a critical role in impairing antiviral T cell responses, viral factors responsible for the expansion of MDSCs in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) remain obscure. In order to elucidate the mechanism of monocytic MDSCs (mMDSCs) expansion and T cell function suppression during persistent HBV infection, we analyzed the circulation frequency of mMDSCs in 164 CHB patients and 70 healthy donors, and found that the proportion of mMDSCs in HBeAg ( ) CHB patients was significantly increased compared to that in HBeAg (-) patients, which positively correlated with the level of HBeAg. Furthermore, exposure of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from healthy donors to HBeAg led to mMDSCs expansion and significant upregulation of IL-1β, IL-6 and indoleamine-2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO), and depletion of the cytokines abrogated HBeAg-induced mMDSCs expansion. Moreover, HBeAg-induced mMDSCs suppressed the autologous T-cell proliferationin vitro, and the purified mMDSCs from HBeAg ( ) subjects markedly reduced the proliferation of CD4 and CD8 T cells and IFN-γ production, which could be efficiently restored by inhibiting IDO. In summary, HBeAg-induced mMDSCs expansion impairs T cell function through IDO pathway and favors the establishment of a persistent HBV infection, suggesting a mechanism behind the development of HBeAg-induced immune tolerance.
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