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精品推薦 大清銀幣 宣統三年


此件藏品大清銀幣宣統三年銀幣的正面分為內圈和外圈兩大部分,內圈刻有「大清銀幣」四個大字,外圈則是用楷體字和滿文分別鐫刻著「宣統三年」四個小字,幣種一看就屬於高檔的銀幣,細節處精美完整,設計工整,線條流暢,刻模深峻,特別引人注目。再看錢幣的反面,外圈底部印有英文版的「ONE DOLLAR」小字,內圈則是蟠龍沿邊緣自左向右騰雲而起,龍頭居上,龍珠在「圓」字下方,龍眼凹突,鼻樑俏上,鬍鬚較短且彎曲,祥雲相伴,雕刻栩栩如生,威風凜凜。中間雕刻著「壹圓」兩個大字,既說明了錢幣當時的市值又較好地展現出封建社會下,不一樣的皇家風采。


In the second year of the reign of Emperor Xuantong of Qing Dynasty (1910), the Qing government unified the seigniorage right in the central government, stipulating that the unit is yuan (yuan), which weighs 7.2 cents per yuan and is named "Silver coinage". Three years after the reign of Emperor Xuantong (1911 AD), a new model was made and Silver coinage was trial-produced. There were many versions of the dragon pattern in the main coins, including the long-bearded dragon, the short-bearded dragon, the big-tailed dragon, the anti-dragon, the Quxulong and the signature version. In order to rectify the monetary chaos caused by the scattered coins in various places, the Qing government devoted itself to the rectification and reform of the monetary system. In addition to specifying that the right to minting coins should be unified by the central government, the style, unit, weight and color of minting coins have also been worked out in detail. "Quxulong" silver coin is one of the members. This series of coins, complete in system and beautifully produced, is unprecedented in the history of Chinese currency. This currency is called the "national currency" and the Tibetan community calls it the "Qing Xuan San". The literal meaning of "Quxulong" and dragon flour were both designed and finalized by George himself, and his signature appeared on both sides of the signature plate.

The front of this piece of Silver coinage Xuantong Three-Year Silver Coin is divided into two parts: the inner ring is engraved with the four characters "Silver coinage" and the outer ring is engraved with the four small characters "Xuantong Three-Year" in regular script and Manchu respectively. The currency is a top-grade silver coin at a glance. The details are exquisite and complete, the design is neat, the lines are smooth, and the engraving is deep and rigorous, which is especially noticeable. Looking at the reverse side of the coin, the bottom of the outer ring is printed with the English version of "ONE DOLLAR". the inner ring is a flat dragon rising from left to right along the edge. the dragon head is on the top. the dragon ball is under the word "round". the longan is concave and protruding. the bridge of the nose is pretty. the beard is short and curved. the auspicious cloud is accompanied by the carving. the carving is vivid and imposing. In the middle is carved the two characters "one dollar", which not only shows the current market value of coins, but also better shows the different royal style in feudal society.

Silver coinage, nurtured by the former history, is an innovative cultural relic of high value and has far-reaching significance for remembrance of the former history. Together, they are still valuable objects in archaeology and the study of China"s pre-historical civilization. A small ancient coin contains rich elements of history. Although there are not many fine ancient coins inherited in the world today, each fine ancient coin is worth a lot of money and is worth collecting!



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