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帕金斯威爾建築設計公司(Perkins Will)公布了百老匯799號的設計方案,這是一棟12層的精品寫字樓,位於曼哈頓聯合廣場(Union Square)以南。該方案試圖用現代材料、系統和技術來重塑經典的紐約閣樓建築。


Perkins Will has unveiled its design for 799 Broadway, a 12-story boutique office building just south of Union Square in Manhattan. The scheme seeks to reinvent the classic NYC loft building with contemporary materials, systems and, and technology. An exercise in designing from the inside out, the midrise scheme features a range of flexible floorplates that extend into a cascade of undulating terraces on almost every floor. The sculptural massing responds to zoning setback regulations, delivering a human-scaled expression with meaningful connections to the outdoors.




A simple palette of white metal panels, clear glass windows, and wood soffits form the exterior facade, echoing the classic iron-cast and white limestone surrounding buildings. The materials are woven together to unify the glass volumes, and to create an integrated vertical expression. Landscaping on the balconies softens the exterior while reinforcing the connection to nature and the church courtyard.


The interiors will feature exposed cast-in-place concrete structure and ceilings, offering an innovative reinvention of the traditional NYC lofts. Located off Broadway, the main lobby creates clear sight lines to a shared courtyard that serves as a focus for social and business functions. The courtyard doubles as the outdoor component of a tenant lounge on the lower level, which also contains amenities such as a gym, locker room, showers, and bike storage.




-Robert Goodwin, 帕金斯威爾建築設計總監

The scale of the building and its relationship to the neighborhood emphasizes human experience. How tenants would actually use the space informed every decision we made. We see the setbacks mandated by the city as an opportunity for terraces that will serve as intentional extensions of the workplace. They』re large enough for furniture, so you can move from an indoor to an outdoor setting seamlessly. The resulting dynamic architectural identity is an outcome of this relationship and will lead a new generation of open, flexible, human-scaled office buildings in the city.

-Robert Goodwin, Design Director, Perkins Will

建築師:帕金斯威爾建築設計公司(Perkins Will)

地點:美國 紐約


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