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小馬庫斯·吉拉特 亨利李先生的肖像素描 Portrait sketch of Sir Henry Lee 倫敦菲利普·莫爾德公司


小馬庫斯·吉拉特 亨利李先生的肖像素描 局部


這幅未完成的油畫習作可能是吉拉特在迪奇里為李的著名肖像設計的栩栩如生的臉部素描,作於1600年。 似乎是通過李,吉拉特獲得了宮廷畫家的突出地位,特別是通過偉大的迪奇里伊麗莎白一世肖像慶祝她與李的和解。


小馬庫斯·吉拉特 亨利李先生的肖像素描 局部

李在吉拉特的一個孩子的洗禮中擔任見證人,吉拉特通過他的贊助很可能直接獲得了他的大部分大額傭金。在伊麗莎白時代的肖像畫中,這張臉的表現出不同尋常的同情心。 這可以部分解釋為藝術家和模特之間存在的特殊關係; 這也可能是由於可比的伊麗莎白時代的肖像研究極其罕見,這幅習作可以表現出一種在這一時期的正式風格主義作品中很少見到的自發性。


小馬庫斯·吉拉特 亨利李先生的肖像素描 局部


小馬庫斯·吉拉特(Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger,亦作Gerards或Geerards,1561-1636)是16-17世紀歐洲著名宮廷畫家。出生於布魯日,父親老馬庫斯·吉拉特(Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder)也是著名畫家。小時候被父親帶到英格蘭,後進入都鐸宮廷工作,成為伊麗莎白一世統治的最後十年最有名的時尚肖像畫家,也是詹姆斯一世和丹麥女王安妮最喜歡的肖像畫家。雖然他作為版畫家在歐洲很有名,但幾乎找不到他的作品記載。不知道年輕的馬庫斯是受過誰訓練,很可能是他的父親,但他也可能是盧卡斯·海爾 (Lucas de Heere,1534-1584) 的學生。


小馬庫斯·吉拉特 亨利李先生的肖像素描 局部



小馬庫斯·吉拉特 亨利李先生的肖像素描 局部


This unfinished oil study is probably the ad-vivum face sketch for Gheeraerts1 celebrated portrait of Lee at Ditchley, executed in c.1600.

It would appear to be through Lee that Gheeraerts achieved his prominence as court painter, most particularly through the great Ditchley portrait of Elizabeth I which celebrated her reconciliation with Lee.

Lee was witness at the baptism of one of Gheeraerts1 children, and through his patronage was most likely directly responsible for a large proportion of his prominent commissions.

The face is executed with an unusual degree of sympathy in the context of Elizabethan iconography. This may be partly explained by the special relationship that existed between artist and sitter; it may also be due to the extreme rarity of comparable Elizabethan portrait studies which can exhibit a degree of spontaneity rarely seen in formal mannerist works of the period.(陰山工作室綜合整理編寫)


小馬庫斯·吉拉特 南安普頓伯爵夫人伊麗莎白·里奧謝思利肖像

Portrait of Elizabeth Wriothesley, Countess of Southampton 英國肯特利茲城堡


伊麗莎白·里奧謝思利(姓 弗農),南安普敦伯爵(1572-1655)在英國女王伊麗莎白一世在其統治後期的其中一位女主人。伊麗莎白·弗農是喬治·弗農(1555年)的孫女,也是約瑟夫·弗農的女兒(1592年),希爾頓郡霍比特的女兒,伊麗莎白·德弗羅(c.1541-c.1583),理查德德弗羅爵士的女兒(d.1592)的韋布利由他的妻子,多蘿西黑斯廷斯,女兒喬治·黑斯廷斯,亨廷頓的第1伯爵(1487年至1544年)。她的姐妹羅伯特·弗農爵士,住戶的審計長向女王伊麗莎白一世,和蘇珊·弗農的第二任妻子的瓦爾特·萊維森爵士,和的堂兄羅伯特·德弗羅,埃塞克斯郡的第2伯爵。1598年8月30日,伊麗莎白與南安普敦第三伯爵亨利·威里斯特利結婚,後者被認為是莎士比亞十四行詩的奉獻者。結婚發生在伊麗莎白髮現自己懷孕後。在發現這一點後,女王將伊麗莎白和她的丈夫都鎖定在艦隊監獄,並在釋放後,這對夫婦再也沒有受到她的青睞。的德國教授英語,希爾德加德哈默施密特-胡梅爾,提出了一個理論,主要是基於一個杜撰的十四行詩,她聲稱的作者是莎士比亞,從肖像和證據推測,伊麗莎白里奧謝思利是詩人的情人。根據這一理論,她的大女兒佩內洛普是莎士比亞的一個孩子。作者強調,通過這種方式,黛安娜斯賓塞夫人將成為威廉莎士比亞的後裔。對這一理論提出了一些問題,即如果南安普頓伯爵懷有其他人的非婚生子女,就會冒失望女王的某些皇室不滿。



Elizabeth Wriothesley (née Vernon), Countess of Southampton (11 January 1572 – 23 November 1655) was one of the chief ladies-in-waiting to Elizabeth I of England in the later years of her reign.Elizabeth Vernon was the granddaughter of George Vernon (d. 1555), and the daughter of John Vernon (d.1592) of Hodnet, Shropshire, by Elizabeth Devereux (c.1541-c.1583) the daughter of Sir Richard Devereux (d. 13 October 1547) of Weobley by his wife, Dorothy Hastings, daughter of George Hastings, 1st Earl of Huntingdon (1487–1544).[2] She was the sister of Sir Robert Vernon, Comptroller of the Household to Queen Elizabeth I, and of Susan Vernon, second wife of Sir Walter Leveson, and a first cousin of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex.On 30 August 1598 Elizabeth married Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton, who has been suggested as the dedicatee of Shakespeare"s sonnets. The marriage occurred after Elizabeth discovered she was pregnant. Upon discovering this, the Queen had both Elizabeth and her husband locked in Fleet Prison and, after their release, the pair were never again received into her favour.A German professor of English, Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel, has proposed a theory, mainly based on an apocryphal sonnet that she claims was written by William Shakespeare, and evidence from portraits, that Elizabeth Wriothesley was a lover of the poet. Her eldest daughter Penelope is, according to this theory, a child of Shakespeare. The author stresses that in this way, Lady Diana Spencer would be a descendant of William Shakespeare.[3] Questions have been raised about this theory, namely why the Earl of Southampton would have risked certain royal displeasure from the Queen by marrying Elizabeth if she was pregnant with somebody else"s illegitimate child.



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