首頁 > 文史 > 「撥雲尋古道,倚石聽流泉」張大千夏山觀瀑圖



Zhang Daqian"s landscape painting

規格:長:88cm 寬:32cm

Specifications: 88cm long and 32cm wide


Collection introduction

張大千山水畫 藏品介紹:

張大千(1899~1983)中國現代中國畫家。名權,後改作爰,號大千,小名季爰。1899年5月10 日生於四川省內江縣。先世廣東省番禺縣人,康熙二十二年(1683)遷蜀,卜居內江。父張懷忠,早年從事教育,後從政,再改鹽業。母曾氏友貞,善繪事,姊名瓊枝,亦善畫。二十世紀中國畫壇最具傳奇色彩的人物。繪畫、書法、篆刻、詩詞無所不通。早期研習古人書畫,後旅居海外,在山水畫方面卓有成就。畫風工寫結合,晚期重彩、水墨融為一體,開創了潑墨潑彩的新風格。





款識:「撥雲尋古道,倚石聽流泉」邊跋:「夏山觀瀑 張大千」,整件藏品保存完好,大千山水雜采眾長,融匯百家而成「大千家法」,細品大千先生盛年所作山水精品《夏山觀瀑圖》,畫中石濤的清曠,大痴的疏朗,雲林的野逸等等元明清諸家之長都隱約浮現。此作構圖上以高遠取勢,平遠著眼,蒼松翠岩,樓宇亭落、曵杖隱士一一寫出,豐富而不顯雍塞;此圖大千巧妙地運雲氣為呼吸,通河流為血脈,筆墨上此作更不乏可圈可點處:大千盛年傳統功力已臻化境,為數百年來少見之奇才,此作大處縱筆如掃,乾裂秋風,危岩陡峭,作勢欲發!細處運息勾勒,潤物無聲,蒼松樓台莫不具肖。高山流水,如聞其聲,屏息聽流。此情此景不抵是人間仙境!全圖僅左上方留一片空白,未寫白雲,卻又煙波浩渺、碧空萬里之感,大千自題款識更點明了此畫主旨。



Introduction to Zhang Daqian"s Landscape Painting Collection:

Zhang Daqian (1899 ~ 1983) is a modern Chinese painter. The title was later changed to hence, with the title of "big thousand" and the title of "small season". Born on May 10, 1899 in Dongxing District, Sichuan Province. A native of Panyu District, Guangdong Province, he moved to Shu in the 22nd year of Kangxi (1683) and lived in Neijiang. Father Zhang Huaizhong, who was engaged in education in his early years, entered politics and then changed to salt industry. My mother, Zeng Youzhen, is good at painting. My sister, Qiongzhi, is also good at painting. The most legendary figure in Chinese painting in the 20th century. Painting, calligraphy, seal cutting and poetry are omniscient. Early study of ancient calligraphy and painting, after living abroad, in landscape painting has made great achievements. The combination of painting style, craftsmanship and writing, the combination of late heavy color and ink painting, created a new style of color splashing in splash-ink painting.

Zhang Daqian"s works have a wide range of subjects, and his figures, landscapes, flowers, birds and animals are all excellent. Most of the characters in the paintings are in ancient costumes, and the characters are used to express feelings. Painting Birds and flowers or meticulous or freehand brushwork, clear and beautiful, natural and graceful; Landscape painting is interesting, novel and poetic. In his later years, splash-ink painting and splash of color were often used to depict scenery with unique style. He is one of the most influential masters of traditional Chinese painting in modern and contemporary art circles and the most legendary figure in Chinese art circles in the 20th century. In the 1950s, Zhang Daqian traveled around the world and gained a great international reputation. He was praised as "the pen of the east" by western art circles. Landscape has always been a major theme in stone carving creation. Zhang Daqian"s landscape paintings are novel and poetic, and are loved by many sculptors.

Among the masters of Chinese painting in the 20th century, Zhang Daqian is the most talented and artistic person. In terms of artistic accomplishment, it can be said that poetry, books, paintings and printing are all talents. Among them, landscape painting is another outstanding achievement. Zhang Daqian"s landscape paintings trace back from the four monks of the early Qing Dynasty to the four houses of Ming Zhong and Qing, Bai Yang and Yuan, Dong Ju of Jing Guan and Dunhuang frescoes. He copied famous historical records and traveled all over famous mountains and rivers, learning from the past and creating a new world. He lived abroad for a long time in his later period, contacted with western art directly, and made great efforts to integrate the advantages of western painting into Chinese painting. He created an artistic language accepted by the world for all mankind and achieved remarkable achievements. Looking at its paintings, the graceful demeanor is fresh and handsome and excellent, revealing itself naturally, making people think of everything and live gracefully.

In the 20th century Chinese painting circle, Zhang Daqian is undoubtedly a representative figure with great influence and appeal. He not only carries forward the past and the future in painting, but also becomes famous and enjoys worldwide fame. Especially since Sotheby"s and Christie"s started shooting Chinese calligraphy and painting, Zhang Daqian has been playing the roles of mainstay and "Advancer". Here I share with my friends a batch of auction masterpieces made by Zhang Daqian"s landscape paintings. Among them, the first Taoyuan painting was sold for 270.68 million Hong Kong dollars in Sotheby"s 2016 spring auction, and the second Ju Ran Qingfeng painting was sold for over 100 million dollars in Jiade autumn auction in 2016.

Zhang Daqian has been diligent in painting all his life, and his works are countless. The painting style before the age of 30 is "fresh handsome and excellent", while it tends to be "magnificent and magnificent" at the age of 50. After the age of 60, it reaches the state of "pale abyss and murky". After the age of 80, it has the temperament of Chunhua County and is simple and distant. His works are a combination of Chinese and western, blending the past with the present, reaching an artistic height beyond the reach of ordinary people. He eventually became the most influential master of traditional Chinese painting in modern Chinese painting and a great man of the century who made important contributions to world culture and art.

Recently, Sachi, rich in Xiamen"s Bode, collected a "Zhang Daqian landscape painting" of 88cm in length and 32cm in width. It reads: "Looking for ancient paths through clouds, leaning on stones to listen to flowing springs" and postscript: "Xia Shan Guan Bao Zhang Daqian". The whole collection is well preserved. The landscape of Da Qian is a mixture of many different styles and a hundred different styles. The fine landscape painting "Xia Shan Guan Bao Tu" made by Mr. Da Qian in his heyday is a fine product. The clear and spacious landscape of Shi Tao in the painting, the dense and scattered landscape of Yun Lin, the wild elegance of Yun Lin, and so on are all looming over the heads of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The composition of this work is based on lofty aspiration and looks at the situation from afar. It is verdant and verdant in cliff. The hermits in the pavilion and the staff write one by one. It is rich and does not show harmony. In this picture, Da Qian skillfully transports clouds and air for breathing, and the river flows for blood. There are many noteworthy points in this work: the traditional skill in Da Qian"s heyday has reached perfection, and it is a rare genius in hundreds of years. This work is characterized by sweeping strokes, chapped autumn wind, steep dangerous rocks, and threatening hair. The fine details of transportation and interest outline, moisten things silently, and the pines and towers are all alike. High Mountains and Running Water, like listening to the sound, held his breath to listen to the flow. This is not a fairyland! The whole picture leaves only a blank space at the top left. No white clouds are written on it, but it feels like a vast expanse of misty waves and a vast expanse of blue sky. The main idea of the picture is more clearly illustrated by the large number of self-titled pictures.

"Dial the clouds to find the ancient road, lean on the stones to listen to the flowing spring." These two sentences are written on the mountain inside, which is full of cloud and mist mountain springs, walking in search of a place where Yong respects his teachers and lives in seclusion-I am clearing the cloud and mist from inside on the mountainside and looking for the ancient mountain path. After a walk, I stopped to lean on the rocks and listen to the murmur of the mountain spring. This is a scene on the way to a secluded place, a secluded environment and gentle, which is a wonderful secluded place. The word "seek" is used very well. It is really wonderful to write the mountain road in Surrounded by mist and cloud alive at once.

Thousands of this figure to write the heart, pavilion falls on the mountain, the heart belongs to the forest, the so-called happy, but that"s all. Not the kui is a high-quality goods, artistic conception is so deep.



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