首頁 > 新聞 > 麥肯錫零售業報告:中國消費者對生鮮市場的期望是什麼?





By Younghoon Kang, Dymfke Kuipers, Alex Sawaya, and Kevin Wei Wang


Key buying factors in fresh food

In our 2018 survey of fresh-food shoppers in China,85 percent of respondents said they buy all their

fresh food offline. An even higher percentage—88 percent—said they』d shopped at a wet market at least once during the previous three weeks. Only19 percent said they』d shopped at a supermarket over the same period, and a mere 16 percent had visited a hypermarket in that time frame.



Our survey also revealed that none of the large retailers in China stand out in consumers』 minds as a fresh-food winner. (When we conducted similar surveys in four European countries and the United States, consumers recognized at least one modern retailer in each country as being exemplary in fresh food. That wasn』t the case in China, which means there』s vast opportunity in that market for a focused, innovative retailer to rise above the competition.)


For China』s offline shoppers, product quality is the biggest factor in their decisions about where to shop for fresh food. Quality is also the primary factor that determines whether they』d recommend a retailer』s fresh-food department to other people. But not all fresh products are equal in consumers』eyes: our survey brought to light the items that disproportionately influence Chinese consumers』quality perception. We call these products key quality items (KQIs). If a retailer improves the quality of just these few items in its stores, it will boost customer satisfaction significantly.


Countrywide, in vegetables, the KQIs are leafy greens and tomatoes; in fruits, the KQIs are oranges, apples, and bananas; and in meats, poultry and pork are KQIs (Exhibit 1).



Exhibit 1中國的消費者最關注綠葉菜和橙子的質量。各類食品的關鍵質量項目佔比

Quality is not only the most important buying factor for most of the country』s fresh-food shoppers—it』s also the biggest opportunity for China』s retailers.Our survey shows that only about half of retailers satisfy Chinese consumers when it comes to quality,whereas 69 percent of retailers already meet the bar in assortment and 60 percent in convenience.


That said, a growing percentage of consumers are becoming omnichannel fresh-food shoppers, lured by the broader assortments of online retailers and the convenience of buying online. Assortment and convenience take precedence over quality for these omnichannel shoppers, who tend to be relatively young (in their early thirties or younger) and live in higher-income households in tier-one cities


Indeed, the primary buying factors for fresh food appear to vary by life stage. The youngest consumers are most interested in convenience, while consumers 25 to 34 years of age are the most price sensitive (Exhibit 2).

實際上,對不同年齡階段的人來說,生鮮食品的首要購買因素也不同。最年輕的消費者最關注方便性,25到34歲之間年紀的人主要在乎價格。(Exhibit 2)


How to win in fresh-food retail

What are the implications of these survey findings for hypermarkets and supermarkets? In our view, modern food retailers in China should focus on three 「must-dos.」



Identify key quality items and improve the quality of each one

A retailer should identify the KQIs in its freshfood categories—keeping in mind that regional differences in consumption habits make for region-specific KQIs—and then focus its quality improvement efforts on those products. It should determine not just which items are KQIs but which specific attributes are important to customers and how the retailer compares with its competitors on those attributes.


在生鮮食品方面,零售商應該找出KQIs, 要注意,不同的地區有不同的消費習慣,有不同的關鍵質量項目,然後把精力放在提高這些產品的質量上。不僅要決定哪些產品是關鍵質量項目,而且每個項目的哪些關鍵屬性對消費者是重要的,如何在這些屬性上和競爭對手對比。

In an October 2016 article, our colleagues describe a proven methodology for identifying KQIs and improving the quality of each one.2 The approach consists of three main phases:

在2016年10月份的一篇文章里,我們的同事描述了已經被證明可行的鑒別KQIs的方法和提高每個項目質量的方法: 有三個階段組成:

Conduct structured consumer research.

Through in-depth dynamic surveys, understand which products and attributes truly matter to your customers. Benchmark your performance against competitors.



Pinpoint the root causes of poor quality.

Hold intensive workshops dedicated to root-cause analysis. Collaborate with suppliers to develop concrete action plans to address the root causes. Identify quality-improvement levers across the value chain, including in sourcing, forecasting,and in-store operations。



Foster a quality-focused organizational culture.

Embed the KQI approach into commercialprocesses to instill a mind-set of continuousimprovement. Incorporate quality metrics intoyour performance-management systems.



For food retailers in China that choose to follow this methodology, the payoff will be well worth the investment. When a Chinese supermarket chain implemented this approach, it found that oranges were among its KQIs. It also discovered that its customers pay the most attention to the following attributes when buying oranges: 「stays fresh long after purchase,」 「great texture and consistency,」「smells nice,」 and 「good condition at time of purchase」 (that is, no rot or bruises). Shoppers gave the retailer』s oranges high scores against competitors in the first three attributes, but poor scores on the fourth.


The retailer therefore introduced a targeted set of actions to ensure that its oranges wouldn』t rot or get damaged during transport and handling. For example, it redefined its product specifications, stopped placing orders at the end of the season

(when the fruit tended to be overripe), and tightened its inspection guidelines. Within a year, the retailer saw a 7 percent increase in its fruit revenues.


Play up your strengths

Wet markets are no match for hypermarkets and supermarkets when it comes to certain aspects of assortment and experience (Exhibit 3). For one, modern grocers carry a much larger assortment that includes imported goods and organic products, which are increasingly in demand as more Chinese consumers are looking to trade up and are willing to pay a premium for such products. Also, modern grocers are one-stop-shopping destinations,whereas wet markets sell only fresh foods. Anotherdifferentiator is the shopping experience thatmodern grocers offer: a clean indoor environmentthat allows customers to browse neatly stackedshelves and receive after-sales services (such asdiscount coupons or home delivery).


在產品多樣性和購買體驗上,菜市場並不是大賣場和超市的對手(Exhibit 3), 其一,現代商店產品品類非常多,包括進口產品,有機產品,而中國的消費者對這類的產品需求越來越多,並願意支付更多的錢來購買。還有,現代商店是「一站式「消費,而菜市場只賣生鮮食品。另外一個不同之處是消費者的消費體驗:乾淨的室內環境讓消費者可以瀏覽乾淨整齊的貨架,享受售後服務(比如打折優惠券和送貨到家)

Hypermarkets have advantages over wet markets when it comes to assortment and

shopping experience.

Hypermarkets and supermarkets should emphasize these features in their marketing and customer communications. They might, for example, highlight imported or organic products in their ads—and perhaps even tell interesting stories about the

products』 origins and sources.


Modern retailers can further enhance the shopping experience through 「retail-tainment.」 They could seek to become not just shopping destinations but also leisure and entertainment destinations for the entire family. This is particularly relevant as Chinese culture becomes even more family oriented. In a 2016 McKinsey Insights China consumer survey, 64 percent of respondents—up from 40 percent in 2011—agreed that 「going shopping with family is one of the best ways to spend time with them.」

現代零售商可以更進一步提升客戶的消費體驗,「消費娛樂一體化「。 消費者希望這不僅僅是一個消費的地方,而且是全家休閑和娛樂的地方,這也符合中國的家庭文化。在麥肯錫2016年對中國消費者的調查中顯示,2011年有40%的消費者同意」和家人一起購物是最好的消遣時光「,而2016年,這個數字已經上升到64%。

To that end, a number of supermarkets in China—including 7Fresh, Hema, and Super Species—now have restaurants on site. Shoppers can pick out fresh ingredients, have them cooked, and eat a full meal with their family, all without leaving the store. At some Hema restaurants, robots deliver the food to diners, making for a novel dining experience.

在這方面,在中國的一些超市,包括7 Fresh(京東線下生鮮), Hema(河馬)和Super Species,現在都在場地開了飯店。消費者可以選出食材,烹飪,然後和家人一起吃飯,而完全不用離開商店。在河馬一些飯店,由機器人來送餐,又是一種新穎的體驗。

Develop a distinctive online-to-offline offering

A few retail chains have recently made considerableheadway in luring consumers to their fresh-foodofferings. For example, Hema—owned by Alibaba—entered the market just a few years ago but ispoised to gain between 15 and 30 percent of fresh foodmarket share over the next five years, by ourestimates. Chinese consumers are drawn to Hema』sDaily Fresh program, whereby fresh produce andmeat are taken off store shelves at the end of theday to be replaced with a new supply the followingmorning. Hema also has an attractive online-to offline(O2O) value proposition: consumers can scan products with their mobile phones while in the store, order on the app, or shop on the website and have their orders delivered within an hour, provided they live within three kilometers of a Hema store.


一些零售商花了大力氣來吸引消費者來購買他們的生鮮食品。例如,阿里巴巴的河馬,幾年前才進入零售業,但是根據我們的預測,河馬旨在將來的5年里佔領生鮮市場15-30%的份額。 中國的消費者被河馬的「每日優鮮」深深吸引。他們把當天沒有賣掉的下架,換上新鮮的,第二天早上售賣。河馬也有很吸引人的線上-線下(O2O)服務:消費者可以在店內用手機掃描產品,在APP上下單,或者在網上下單,如果他們在3公里以內,訂單會在1小時內送到。




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