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以下是Sky News的相關報道:

Game Of Thrones star Kit Harington has checked into a wellness retreat in the US - reportedly to undergo treatment for stress and alcohol use.


The 32-year-old actor, who was catapulted into fame for his role as courageous Jon Snow, arrived at the luxury Prive-Swiss wellness retreat in Connecticut last month, according to the New York Post.

據《紐約郵報》報道,這位32歲的演員因勇敢的瓊恩·雪諾角色而聲名鵲起。他上個月來到康涅狄格州的Privé Swiss豪華康復機構。

He is believed to have checked himself into the clinic several weeks before the show came to an end on 19 May.


A representative for the British actor said in a statement: "Kit has decided to utilise this break in his schedule as an opportunity to spend some time at a wellness retreat to work on some personal issues."


The New York Post"s Page Six column claimed Harington was hard hit by the ending of GoT and was being treated for stress, exhaustion and alcohol use.

《紐約郵報》的Page Six稱,哈靈頓因《權力的遊戲》的結局受到了嚴重打擊,正在接受壓力,疲憊和酗酒的治療。

His character"s actions in the finale, which attracted a record 19.3 million viewers in the US alone, were one of the show"s biggest shockers.


The London-born star, who married his GoT co-star Rose Leslie in 2018, told Variety last year that he had previously struggled to deal with the fame and attention the show brought, calling it "terrifying".


He opened up about his mental and emotional state while on the series, admitting that his "darkest" moments came when Jon Snow was the show"s focus.


"I felt I had to feel that I was the most fortunate person in the world, when actually, I felt very vulnerable. I had a shaky time in my life around there - like I think a lot of people do in their 20s," he told the publication.

「我明白,我必須意識到:自己是世界上最幸運的人。(但)實際上,我很脆弱。就像很多20多歲的人一樣,我的生活很不穩定,」 他告訴《綜藝》雜誌。

In an interview with Esquire in April, he admitted to having a "full-on breakdown" while shooting the series" final scenes.


"My final day of shooting, I felt fine... I felt fine... I felt fine... then I went to do my last shots and started hyperventilating a bit," he said. "Then they called "wrap" and I just f****** broke down. It was this onslaught of relief and grief about not being able to do this again".

「拍攝的最後一天,我感覺還好......我感覺還好......我感覺還好......然後我去了最後的一次拍攝,呼吸開始變得急促,」 哈林頓說, 「然後他們說了完結,我也崩潰了。正是由於無法再這樣做我才感到如釋重負與悲傷」。

A documentary about the show, The Last Watch, was released on Sunday and showed Harington in tears when he learned about his character"s fate.

一部關於這部劇的紀錄片《The Last Watch》於周日發布。根據紀錄片:當了解到自己角色的命運時,哈林頓流下了眼淚。


文:Lucia Binding/Sky News

翻譯:Chen Xi




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