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Virus-packed laptop sells as artwork for over $1.3 million


來源:法新社 翻譯:世界播

A simple laptop computer loaded with six potent viruses and dubbed by Chinese artist Guo O Dong "The Persistence of Chaos" sold at online auction for more than $1.3 million (AFP/Philippe HUGUEN)


For Chinese artist Guo O Dong, the simple black Samsung laptop computer, loaded with six potent viruses, symbolizes one of the world"s most frightening threats.


On Tuesday his creation "The Persistence of Chaos" rocked the art world, selling for more than $1.3 million in a New York online auction.


There"s nothing special about the 2008 10-inch Netbook, running Microsoft"s now-outdated Windows XP.

這款2008年推出的10英寸上網本沒有什麼特別之處,運行的是微軟現已過時的Windows XP操作系統。

But loaded onto its memory chips are the computing world"s equivalents of the most deadly infectious diseases: "I LOVE YOU" from 2000, "Sobig" of 2003, "MyDoom" (2004), "DarkTequila" (2013), "BlackEnergy" (2015), and the most notorious of all, the "WannaCry" ransomware from two years ago.

但在它的存儲晶元上裝載的是計算機界中最致命的傳染病:2000年的「I LOVE YOU」蠕蟲病毒,2003年的「Sobig」,2004年的「MyDoom」,2013年的「DarkTequila」,2015年的「BlackEnergy」,以及兩年前大規模傳播的「WannaCry」勒索軟體。

It is a powerful symbol of the threat on simple laptop can pose to the entire world. The six trojans, worms and malware loaded on it have caused at least $95 billion in damage around the world, according to Guo.


Guo is an internet artist "whose work critiques modern day extremely online culture," the auction site, organized by cybersecurity group Deep Instinct, said.

網路安全組織Deep Instinct旗下的拍賣網站稱,郭是一位網路藝術家,「他的作品批判了現代極端的網路文化」。

The computer, viewed via an online video stream, is harmless in its auction state -- turned on, but not connected to any network or the internet.


The auction site says it is "airgapped" -- its wireless and internet connections physically and electronically plugged.


But it comes with ominous warning to the buyer not to unleash its pathogenic programs -- possible by unplugging its connection hardware, or by simply inserting a thumb drive.


The site stresses that the artwork is for research use only, saying that anyone who submitted a bid contractually agreed that they "have no intention of disseminating any malware."

該網站強調這件藝術品僅供研究使用,並表示,任何提交競拍的人都要按合同規定答應 「無意傳播任何惡意軟體」。

At the same time, the site appeared to acknowledge that the buyer might not heed the agreement.


"Please remember that these are live and dangerous malware samples," it said.


"Running them unconstrained means that you will infect yourself or others with vicious and dangerous malware."


The buyer was not identified.




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