首頁 > 新聞 > 中國學者發現一種新的RNA病毒,命名為阿龍山病毒


2017年,對蜱傳疾病的監測導致了一名患者的身份識別,該患者向內蒙古的一家醫院提供了一種原因不明的發熱性疾病。該疾病的臨床表現類似於蜱傳腦炎病毒(TBEV)感染,但未檢測到TBEV RNA和針對該病毒的抗體。具體是什麼原因導致該病人的患病,讓人頭痛不已。佛山科技學院劉全教授,浙江大學周繼勇教授及內蒙古民族大學第二臨床醫學院王偉教授合作在國際頂級醫學期刊新英格蘭醫學雜誌NEJM(IF=79)在線發表為」A New Segmented Virus Associated with Human Febrile Illness in China「的研究論文。

研究人員獲得了患者血液樣本,並嘗試使用基因組序列分析和電子顯微鏡分離和鑒定致病病原體。另外,研究人員還在同一家醫院啟動了一項加強監控計劃,以篩查出現發燒,頭痛和蜱叮咬病史的其他患者。研究人員使用RT-PCR和細胞培養技術來檢測病原體和免疫熒光和中和分析,以確定患者血清樣本中病毒特異性抗體的水平。結果發現患者感染了以前未知的分段RNA病毒,研究人員將其命名為阿龍山病毒(ALSV),屬於黃病毒科的jingmenvirus組。 RT-PCR檢測了內蒙古和黑龍江地區86例發熱,頭痛和蜱叮咬史的患者的ALSV感染情況。血清學檢測顯示,所有19例患者均發生血清學轉換,其中標本可從急性期和疾病的恢復期獲得。總而言之,中國學者發現了一種新發現的分段病毒,該病毒與中國東北地區的發熱性疾病有關。研究結果表明,阿龍山病毒(ALSV)可能是以前未知的發熱性疾病的原因,應該進行更多的研究來確定這種疾病在其目前識別區域之外的地理分布。




In 2017, surveillance for tickborne diseases in China led to the identification of a patient who presented to a hospital in Inner Mongolia with a febrile illness that had an unknown cause. The clinical manifestation of the illness was similar to that of tickborne encephalitis virus (TBEV) infection, but neither TBEV RNA nor antibodies against the virus were detected.


We obtained a blood specimen from the index patient and attempted to isolate and identify a causative pathogen, using genome sequence analysis and electron microscopy. We also initiated a heightened surveillance program in the same hospital to screen for other patients who presented with fever, headache, and a history of tick bites. We used reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) and cell-culture assays to detect the pathogen and immunofluorescence and neutralization assays to determine the levels of virus-specific antibodies in serum specimens from the patients.


We found that the index patient was infected with a previously unknown segmented RNA virus, which we designated Alongshan virus (ALSV) and which belongs to the jingmenvirus group of the family Flaviviridae. ALSV infection was confirmed by RT-PCR assay in 86 patients from Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang who presented with fever, headache, and a history of tick bites. Serologic assays showed that seroconversion had occurred in all 19 patients for whom specimens were available from the acute phase and the convalescent phase of the illness.


A newly discovered segmented virus was found to be associated with a febrile illness in northeastern China. (Funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.)



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