首頁 > 知識 > IEEE 解除對華為員工限制,可繼續參與編輯與審稿工作

IEEE 解除對華為員工限制,可繼續參與編輯與審稿工作

6 月 3 日,IEEE 官方發布聲明,表示解除對華為員工參與編輯和同行評審活動的限制。此前,中國十家學會於6 月 2 日晚發布《關於IEEE限制正常學術交流事件的鄭重聲明》,對這一事件表示「深感震驚」(聲明鏈接)。

IEEE 聲明全文如下:






一直以來,IEEE致力於向其會員、志願者和整個技術社區提供廣闊的學術活動平台和幫助。其中,IEEE每年在全球舉辦1900餘場專業技術會議,並在IEEE Xplore上提供超過480萬份文獻資料。


Statement Update: IEEE Lifts Restrictions on Editorial and Peer Review Activities

On Thursday, May 16, 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce applied export control restrictions to Huawei Technology Ltd. and 68 of its affiliates. IEEE issued a statement regarding compliance and stated if the U.S. government clarified the application of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations with respect to peer review IEEE would provide an update to the IEEE community.

IEEE has received the requested clarification from the U.S. Department of Commerce on the applicability of these export control restrictions to IEEE』s publication activities. Based on this new information, employees of Huawei and its affiliates may participate as peer reviewers and editors in our publication process. All IEEE members, regardless of employer, can continue to participate in all of the activities of the IEEE.

Our initial, more restrictive approach was motivated solely by our desire to protect our volunteers and our members from legal risk. With the clarification received, this risk has been addressed. We appreciate the many questions and comments from our members and volunteers around the world and thank them for their patience as we worked through a legally complex situation.

IEEE offers a wide range of activities and benefits for its members, volunteers and the wider technical community, including sponsoring more than 1,900 annual conferences and events worldwide and providing access to over 4.8 million publications on IEEE Xplore.

IEEE recognizes that science and technology are a global activity. We are proud of the work our members do around the world and we are dedicated to advancing technological excellence for the benefit of humanity.



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