首頁 > 設計 > 「扇貝形」立面,190米高的豪華公寓


由Studio gang工作室在布魯克林設計的11 Hoyt公寓已經達到了620英尺的高度。該建築提供481套豪華住宅公寓,內部由Michaelis Boyd Associates設計,採用「扇貝形」立面,由精心製作的閃光的澆鑄混凝土和玻璃組成,像海灣一樣,看起來似乎從建築物上剝離出來,並隨著陽光一天中的移動而變化。

The Studio Gang-designed 11 Hoyt has topped out in Brooklyn to its full height of 620 feet. Offering 481 luxury residential condominiums, with interiors by Michaelis Boyd Associates, 11 Hoyt features a scalloped facade comprised of exquisitely crafted, shimmering cast concrete and glass, animated by bays that appear to peel away from the building and change as sunlight moves across them throughout the day.

Studio Gang企劃與Hill West Architects事務所合作,他們對一座人口快速密集的地塊間的停車樓重新規劃,這裡的人口在20年內增長了40%。11 Hoyt將該場地改造成一個由77萬平方英尺(7.1萬平方米)的住宅樓支撐的綠色平台。

The Studio Gang scheme, designed in collaboration with Hill West Architects, reclaims a former parking garage site in a rapidly-densifying area, where the population has increased by 40% in twenty years. 11 Hoyt is set to transform the site into an elevated green podium anchored by a 770,000-square-foot (71,000-square-meter) residential tower.



The scheme』s green podium acts as a fifth facade for the building; an indoor-outdoor environment encouraging neighbors to meet and interact among trees and gardens. As the 620-foot-tall (190-meter-tall) scheme rises, the tower』s facade pushes out in plan to create expanded living spaces for the 490 residential units, arranged in 190 unique floor plans.


-Studio Gang工作室的創始人

As the tower tops out, it』s great to see the facade come to life. It』s made up of a series of bay window types that collectively create a dynamic sweep on the exterior while providing individual, unique experiences from inside the homes.

-Jeanne Gang, Founding Principal of Studio Gang

建築師:Studio gang



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