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In Los Angeles, only people of color are sentenced to death


來源:《衛報》 翻譯:世界播

Los Angeles has sentenced more people to death than any other county in the US, and only people of color have received the death penalty under the region』s current prosecutor, a new report shows.


LA county』s district attorney, Jackie Lacey, has won death sentences for a total of 22 defendants, all people of color, and eight of them were represented by lawyers with serious misconduct charges prior or after their cases, according to a new analysis by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).


Lacey』s office has also continued to pursue death penalty trials this year despite the fact that California』s governor, Gavin Newsom, issued a moratorium on capital punishment, with an executive order officially halting executions in the state.


Some key findings:


?In California, 222 people currently sentenced to death are from LA county, representing 31% of all death sentences in the state. (The LA population is only 25% of the statewide figure.)


?LA is one of only three counties in the country to have more than 10 death sentences from 2014 to 2018.


?In the last five years, LA produced more death sentences per capita than any large county in Texas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Utah or Washington – and sent more people to death row than the states of Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Virginia combined.


?Last year, out of 3,100 counties nationwide, LA was one of only four to have more than one death sentence.


?Under Lacey』s tenure, which began in 2012, zero white defendants have been sentenced to death,. Although 12% of homicide victims in LA county are white, 36% of Lacey』s death penalty wins involved white victims.


?Of the 22 defendants sentenced under Lacey, 13 were Latinx, eight were black and one was Asian.


The governor』s moratorium affects the 737 inmates currently awaiting execution in California, who will not be put to death while Newsom is in office. Lacey, however, is continuing to seek the death penalty, despite the fact that a majority of voters in LA county have twice voted in favor of death penalty repeal measures.


Defense lawyers in five of the 22 cases under Lacey were suspended or disbarred, the ACLU said. Defense counsel for two other defendants was put on probation, and the attorney for another is currently facing multiple bar charges.


The ACLU, which reviewed lawyer misconduct records, cited one particularly egregious case in which an attorney declined to make an opening statement – offering no defense at all – and then repeatedly fell asleep during the trial.


Failures of defense counsel are key contributors to wrongful convictions, but problems with California』s appellate system means these kinds of mistakes are often exposed decades later, the ACLU said. The last two California death row inmates who were exonerated gained their freedom roughly 25 years after conviction, and those delays could get worse, as the state has an expanding backlog of cases and appeals.


All five people removed from death row after exoneration in the state were people of color.


The district attorney』s office has 「extensive review processes」 in place to decide whether to pursue the death penalty and makes recommendations 「based on the facts without regard to the race of a defendant or a victim」, Lacey said. Her office sought the death penalty in less than 3% of all eligible cases last year, she said.


Lacey has also faced intense scrutiny for her refusal to prosecute police officers who kill civilians.




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