首頁 > 設計 > 花園城市的新榜樣——生態景觀橋+線性公園!


CX Landscape的方案是在國會大廈和CBD之間現有的公路橋上建造一個森林外殼。莫郎格洛河上游的原生植被林地區,覆蓋著曲面形態的混凝土薄殼,與堪培拉國會大廈的綠色建築遙相呼應。在這個外殼下,現存的土著岩畫以激光投影的形式投射在薄殼結構的底面,重拾遺失的土著文化賦予其新形式的重生。

CX Landscape has released details of their proposal for the 「Ribbons of Life,」 a living bridge for Canberra, Australia. Submitted as part of the Remaking Lost Connections design competition organized by the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA), the scheme sought to create a water axis based on the existing road bridge above Lake Griffin in Canberra city center.


The forest ribbon also serves as a wildlife corridor, connecting parks on the north and south of the lake, varying in width between 30 and 100 meters. The west fringe of the structure extends into the water to become a wetland, providing water access for passengers, while water plants contribute to improving water quality.


The other ribbon is a linear park, an independent structure for people passage. This section will provide educational opportunities in open space, while minimizing the disturbance to wildlife activities. Solar panels are also integrated into paving to generate clean power for the use of luminance, operation, and possible future transport. Key components of the park include a bird observation tower, water-facing plaza, laser projection art, and a water life observation channel.


Landscaping features include windbreak forests on both sides, a nectar meadow, woodland, rocky bushland, and wetland. Rocks and logs are also placed in a natural arrangement to provide shelters along the migration passage.


-CX Landscape

Our wildlife corridor and the linear park have set an example for the future Garden City Plan action. It gives a new direction for sustainable city development, which raises the awareness of environmental threats, and correct the misconceptions of 『Green represents Ecology』 and 『Parks means Ecology』. In respect of nature and local history, reflecting the spirit of the place, our design has established the future direction of sustainable urban development.

-CX Landscape

「生態飄帶」的團隊由George Zhuo、彭晶、Simon Zhao、Daniel Dong和Annie Huang組成。

The design team for the Ribbons of Life comprised of George Zhuo, Jing Peng, Simon Zhao, Danniel Dong, and Annie Huang.

建築師: CX Landscape (承象景觀)

地點:澳大利亞 堪培拉


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