首頁 > 新聞 > 中科院微生物所葉健團隊發現植物布尼亞病毒「情商EQ」基因


隨著世界範圍內布尼亞病毒引起的人類動植物新發或再發傳染病暴發流行, 例如最近在我國持續危害公共衛生安全的白蛉病毒屬病毒,新布尼亞病毒—發熱伴血小板減少綜合征(SFTS phlebovirus) ,布尼亞病毒已受到人們越來越多的關注。而早在1915年,澳大利亞就已經報道了由植物布尼亞病毒「番茄斑萎病毒, TSWV」引起的番茄病害,該植物布尼亞病毒目前已在全球危害,是中國進境植物檢疫性有害生物。中國科學院微生物所葉健課題組最新的研究成果鑒定了植物布尼亞病毒「EQ」基因,並且找到了病毒靶向植物宿主的「阿喀琉斯之踵」,一類人類原癌基因MYC的植物同源基因,相關成果日前發表在國際病原學領域重要期刊PLoS Pathogens上,題目為The Orthotospovirus nonstructural protein NSs suppresses plant MYC-regulated jasmonate signaling leading to enhanced vector attraction and performance

大部分布尼亞病毒均由媒介生物傳播,病毒與其傳播媒介能夠「和平相處」,但對人類和植物宿主卻造成了極大的危害,引起嚴重的出血熱等致命癥狀和作物絕收。另外該類病毒具有操縱媒介生物的行為,加速病毒自身向脊椎動物,鳥類,昆蟲和植物的傳播。這種病毒與媒介生物和諧共處,並通過操縱宿主有利於媒介昆蟲,從而間接有利於病毒傳播的行為,被學界稱為病毒的 「情商,EQ」。然而,這種EQ背後的分子機制尚不清楚。目前控制該類病毒引起的病害的主要方法是控制其傳播媒介,阻斷其傳播途徑,因此研究病毒操控宿主的機制,把對布尼亞病毒病的控制關口前移,將最大程度地減輕布尼亞病毒病的危害。這種保守的現象是普遍存在各種布尼亞病毒的,在高致病性人類布尼亞病毒進行分子機制研究較困難,所以,植物布尼亞病毒為這類現象的解析提供了好的模式系統。


植物激素茉莉酸(jasmonic acid, JA)是一種介導植物對昆蟲抗性的重要激素,轉錄因子MYC2及其同源蛋白MYC3,MYC4是JA途徑中的關鍵調控因子。研究人員發現,包括本世紀初入侵我國的TSWV在內的多種植物布尼亞病毒進化出了一種保守的分子機制,NSs蛋白能夠通過與MYC2/3/4互作而干擾其原有細胞定位模式。MYC家族是其激活所調控的下游多種抗蟲相關次生代謝物質的合成代謝相關的基因所必需的,例如萜烯類化合物揮發物和芥子油苷(glucosinolate)等,這種病毒對關鍵抗蟲調控轉錄因子的「脅持」,使得西花薊馬在寄主定位時更偏好選擇被布尼亞病毒感染的植物;而且定殖在病毒感染或表達NSs蛋白植物上的西花薊馬具有產卵量多,西花薊馬種群密度的增長進一步提高造成了大範圍的病毒病害的發生和危害(圖2)。





A.NSs轉基因植物有利於西花薊馬種群增長B和C NSs通過抑制MYC調控的植物茉莉酸途徑來促進西花薊馬種群增長

由於NSs蛋白在大多布尼亞病毒目病毒中保守存在,該項研究成果不但為綠色防控植物布尼亞病毒病害和西花薊馬提供了分子靶標和化合物前體,也為其他蟲媒人類和動物布尼亞病毒等病害的研究提供了借鑒。值得注意的是,該項研究成果同該課題組早先發表的植物雙生病毒與其媒介昆蟲煙粉虱形成的互惠共生關係,有很多相似點,例如其宿主靶標蛋白均趨同靶向為MYC家族轉錄因子(Li et al. Plant Cell 2014),說明對植物抗性具有重要作用的MYC蛋白,同時也是植物的「阿喀琉斯之踵」,是多種植物病原攻擊宿主的主要靶標之一。



Pandemics of vector-borne human and plant diseases often depend on the behaviors of their arthropod vectors. Arboviruses, including many bunyaviruses, manipulate vector behavior to accelerate their own transmission to vertebrates, birds, insects, and plants. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this manipulation remains elusive. Here, we report that the non-structural protein NSs of Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus, a prototype of the Tospoviridae family and the Orthotospovirus genus, is a key viral factor that indirectly modifies vector preference and increases vector performance. NSs suppresses the biosynthesis of plant volatile monoterpenes, which serve as repellents of the vector western flower thrips (WFT, Frankliniella occidentalis). NSs directly interacts with MYC2, the jasmonate (JA) signaling master regulator and its two close homologs MYC3 and MYC4, to disable JA-mediated activation of terpene synthase genes. The dysfunction of the MYCs subsequently attenuates host defenses, increases the attraction of thrips, and improves thrips fitness. Moreover, MYC2 associated with NSs of Tomato zonate spot orthotospovirus, another Euro/Asian-type orthotospovirus, suggesting that MYC2 is an evolutionarily conserved target of Orthotospovirusspecies for suppression of terpene-based resistance to promote vector performance. These findings elucidate the molecular mechanism through which an orthotospovirus indirectly manipulates vector behaviors and therefore facilitates pathogen transmission. Our results provide insights into the molecular mechanisms by which Orthotospovirus NSs counteracts plant immunity for pathogen transmission.

Author summary

Most bunyaviruses are transmitted by arthropod vectors, and some of them can modify the behaviors of their arthropod vectors to increase transmission to mammals, birds, and plants. NSs is a non-structural bunyavirus protein with multiple functions that acts as an avirulence determinant and silencing suppressor. In this study, we identified a new function of NSs as a conserved manipulator of vector behavior via plant. NSs suppresses jasmonate-mediated plant immunity against thrips by directly interacting with several homologs of MYC transcription factors, the core regulators of the jasmonate-signaling pathway. This hijacking by NSs enhances thrips preference and performance. Therefore, our data support the hypothesis that MYC2 is a convergent target that plant pathogens manipulate to promote their survival in plants.

來源:中科院微生物所、Plos Pathogen




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