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Nature, 4 July 2019, Volume 571 Issue 7763





Whole-animal connectomes of both Caenorhabditis elegans sexes


作者:Steven J. Cook、Travis A. Jarrell、Christopher A. Brittin、David H. Hall、Scott W. Emmons,et al










Knowledge of connectivity in the nervous system is essential to understanding its function. Here we describe connectomes for both adult sexes of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, an important model organism for neuroscience research. We present quantitative connectivity matrices that encompass all connections from sensory input to end-organ output across the entire animal, information that is necessary to model behaviour. Serial electron microscopy reconstructions that are based on the analysis of both newand previously published electron micrographs update previous results and include data on the male head. The nervous system differs between sexes at multiple levels. Several sex-shared neurons that function in circuits for sexual behaviour are sexually dimorphic in structure and connectivity. Inputs from sex-specific circuitry to central circuitry reveal points at which sexual and non-sexual pathways converge. In sex-shared central pathways, a substantial number of connections differ in strength between the sexes. Quantitative connectomes that include all connections serve as the basis for understanding how complex, adaptive behavior is generated.

Hydraulic control of mammalian embryo size and cell fate


作者:Chii Jou Chan, Maria Costanzo, Teresa Ruiz-Herrero, Gregor M?nke, Ryan J. Petrie, Martin Bergert, Alba Diz-Mu?oz, L. Mahadevan & Takashi Hiiragi











Size control is fundamental in tissue development and homeostasis. Although the role of cell proliferation in these processes has been widely studied, the mechanisms that control embryo size—and how these mechanisms affect cellfate—remain unknown. Here we use the mouse blastocyst as a model to unravel a key role of fluid-filled lumen in the control of embryo size and specification of cell fate. We find that there is a two fold increase in lumenal pressure during blastocyst development, which translates into a concomitant increase incell cortical tension and tissue stiffness of the trophectoderm that lines the lumen. Increased cortical tension leads to vinculin mechano sensing and maturation of functional tight junctions, which establishes a positive feedback loop to accommodate lumen growth. When the cortical tension reaches a critical threshold, cell–cell adhesion cannot be sustained during mitotic entry, which leads to trophectoderm rupture and blastocyst collapse. A simple theory of hydraulically gated oscillations recapitulates the observed dynamics of size oscillations, and predicts the scaling of embryo size with tissue volume. This theory further predicts that disrupted tight junctions or increased tissue stiffness lead to a smaller embryo size, which we verified by biophysical, embryological, pharmacological and genetic perturbations. Changes in lumenal pressure and size can influence the cell division pattern of the trophectoderm, and thereby affect cell allocation and fate. Our study reveals how lumenal pressure and tissue mechanics control embryo size at the tissue scale, which iscoupled to cell position and fate at the cellular scale.


Mechanical Engineering/Physics

Electrolytic vascular systems for energy-dense robots


作者:Cameron A. Aubin、Snehashis Choudhury、Rhiannon Jerch、Robert F. Shepherd,et al











Modern robots lack the multifunctional interconnected systems found in living organisms and are consequently unable to reproduce their efficiency and autonomy. Energy-storage systems are among the most crucial limitations to robot autonomy, but their size, weight, material and design constraints can bere-examined in the context of multifunctional, bio-inspired applications. Here we present a synthetic energy-dense circulatory system embedded in an untethered, aquatic soft robot. Modelled after redox flow batteries, this synthetic vascular system combines the functions of hydraulic for cetransmission, actuation and energy storage into a single integrated design that geometrically increases the energy density of the robot to enable operation for long durations (up to 36 hours). The fabrication techniques and flexible materials used in its construction enable the vascular system to be created with complex form factors that continuously deform with the robot』s movement. This use of electrochemical energy storage in hydraulic fluids could facilitate increased energy density, autonomy, efficiency and multifunctionality in future robot designs.

Spin–orbit-driven band inversion in bilayer graphene by the van der Waals proximity effect


作者:J. O. Island、X. Cui、M. P. Zaletel、A. F. Young,et al









Spin–orbit coupling (SOC) is the key to realizing time-reversal-invariant topological phases of matter. SOC was predicted by Kane and Mele to stabilize a quantum spin Hall insulator; however, the weak intrinsic SOC in monolayer graphene has precluded experimental observation in this material. Here we exploit a layer-selective proximity effect—achieved via a van der Waals contact with a semiconducting transition-metal dichalcogenide—to engineer Kane–Mele SOC in ultra clean bilayer graphene. Using high-resolution capacitance measurements to probe the bulk electronic compressibility, we find that SOC leads to the formation of a distinct, incompressible, gapped phase at charge neutrality. The experimental data agree quantitatively with a simple theoretical model in which the new phase results from SOC-driven band inversion. In contrast to Kane–Mele SOC in monolayer graphene, the inverted phase is not expected to be atime-reversal-invariant topological insulator, despite being separated from conventional band insulators by electric-field-tuned phase transitions where crystal symmetry mandates that the bulk gap must close. Our electrical transport measurements reveal that the inverted phase has a conductivity of approximately e2/h (where e is the electron charge and hPlanck』s constant), which is suppressed by exceptionally small in-plane magnetic fields. The high conductivity and anomalous magneto resistance are consistent with theoretical models that predict helical edge states within the inverted phase that are protected from back scattering by an emergent spin symmetry that remains robust even for large Rashba SOC. Our results pave the way for proximity engineering of strong topological insulators as well as correlated quantum phases in the strong spin–orbit regime in graphene hetero structures.


Insectegg size and shape evolve with ecology but not developmental rate


作者:Samuel H. Church、Bruno A. S. de Medeiros、Cassandra G. Extavour,et al








Over the course of evolution, organism size has diversified markedly. Changes insize are thought to have occurred because of developmental, morphological and/or ecological pressures. To perform phylogenetic tests of the potential effects of these pressures, here we generated a dataset of more than ten thousand descriptions of insect eggs, and combined these with genetic and life-history datasets. We show that, across eight orders of magnitude of variation in egg volume, the relationship between size and shape itself evolves, such that previously predicted global patterns of scaling do not adequately explain the diversity in egg shapes. We show that egg size is not correlated with developmental rate and that, for many insects, egg size is not correlated with adult body size. Instead, we find that the evolution of parasitoidism and aquatic oviposition help to explain the diversification in the size and shape of insect eggs. Our study suggests that where eggs are laid, rather than universal allometric constants, underlies the evolution of insect egg size and shape.

Location-level processes drive the establishment of alien bird populations worldwide


作者:David W. Redding、Salit Kark、Tim M. Blackburn,et al










Human-mediated translocation of species to areas beyond their natural distribution (which results in "alien" populations) is a key signature of the Anthropocene, and is a primary global driver of biodiversity loss and environmental change. Stemming the tide of invasions requires understanding why some species fail to establishalien populations, and others succeed. To achieve this, we need to integrate the effects of features of the introduction site, the species introduced and the specific introduction event. Determining which, if any, location-level factors affect the success of establishment has proven difficult, owing to the multiple spatial, temporal and phylogenetic axes along which environmental variation may influence population survival. Here we apply Bayesian hierarchical regression analysis to a global spatially and temporally explicit database of introduction events of alien birds to show that environmental conditions at the introduction location, notably climatic suitability and the presence of other groups of alien species, are the primary determinants of successful establishment. Species-level traits and the size ofthe founding population (propagule pressure) exert secondary, but important, effects on success. Thus, current trajectories of anthropogenic environmental change will most probably facilitate future incursions by alien species, but predicting future invasions will require the integration of multiple location-, species- and event-level characteristics.






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