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Why are the Chinese so good at copying?


Thomas Edward, Geopolitic & Tech, Research in US, China, India & Asia.


"Copying" is deep in Chinese DNA & culture. They even has a proverb for it: "Seeing a better, one should seek to parallel".見賢思齊。


In ancient time, there wasn"t any copyright law. Everyone just learn and copy freely from the better one to improve. Its not until the West capitalism rise to top from its industrialization just few centuries ago, West invented patent system to ensure their leading advantage.


But who invented most of the things prior to West civilization? Science and Civilisation in China


But did China learn from any other high civilization? Sure, tonnes of it from ancient Bharat-India continent, Persian, Roman, Egypt, etc. But no one pay royalty or get sued to learn from better ones, just universal knowledge exchange to improve life.


So Europe developed by copying everything from Chinese Inventions first, then US copied Europe (by espionage), Japan copied US-EU, Korea copied US-EU-Jp. How a little bit of Industrial Espionage started the Industrial Revolution |

所以歐洲的發展首先是模仿中國的發明,然後美國(通過間諜活動)模仿歐洲,日本模仿美國-歐盟,韓國模仿美國-歐盟- 日本。 鏈接:《一點點工業間諜活動是如何引發工業革命的》

But Jp & SK were largely spared from violating IP accusation because of US policy to groom them as counterweight to Soviet-China. They were in fact given many technologies & freedom to copy intentionally to develop its "miracle" prosperity as show case of West democracy superiority. Now US is also grooming West democracy India to counter commie China, so you won"t hear a single complaint of India IP violation when its ranked global bottom violating everything. Ranking of Countries for Intellectual Property Protection


China after missing its few centuries of development during Manchus occupation(Qing Dynasty) , followed by a series of devastating invasions & civil war, finally could find 40yrs of peace time to develop again under visionary leader Mr. Deng XP.


Chinese is as usual very good at copying everyone to quickly improve their life again, alleviating 700M from poverty within 40yrs. By next year 2020, they will alleviate all severe poverty to ensure every Chinese is guaranteed (by state law) a decent job, shelter, food & basic healthcare, while every West nations are having over 20% poverty no one want to talk about.


Over last 40yrs, US has mutated its IP copyright system to become a powerful tool where big US corps with vast legal resources will patent every single shits to suppress & extort any weaker corps/nation through complex IP system & costly lengthy law suits, backed by US sanction power. Intellectual property, not monopoly


Did Edison invented the light bulb? No.


Lot of small corps & poor nations growth were strangled with costly products(like MS Office), high royalty fees & law suits, while their indigenous innovations often get violated or worst patented. Japan even try to patent my favorite Indian curry.


Since US alleged China is stealing all its IP, did millions of China corps get sued in US & globally, or brought to WTO? No. Because China actually paid $30B global royalty p.a., right behind US paying $40B. So how can China be biggest IP thieves as US alleged?




But why Chinese is paying that much willingly, huge $30B p.a.? Because no one can sell any product globally violating any IP, and you will be paying huge fines. That has largely answered if US propaganda hold any water.


A Closer Look at China"s Supposed Misappropriation of U.S. Intellectual Property


US even patented e-Cigarette widely known to be invented by a Chinese who has no resource to patent it. The world also openly violated a small Singapore company Trek2000 USB flash storage (Thumbdrive) because it can"t fight every big Corps.


When West invited China to tender a FSR project, they didn"t had any intention to offer it any project. They just patented its proposal containing IP to Chinese dismay. That"s how capitalism predatory policy work, rich get richer.


Patent filing is a very lucrative business yet expensive game not for small innovative companies or poor nations. So Japan & Korea copy US & EU, jumped in to spend huge resources in patenting every shit instead of investing on innovation. They become top 3 patent holders soon, with Samsung rank No.1 in application. Everyone sued each other to get even.


China realized its late comer disadvantage after joining WTO, every tiny basic technology, design, pattern, name, & logo are already patented by G7 to claim royalty, you can"t create much new thing without violating one. And you have to very diligently verify if your design violate any of their numerous complex patents to avoid costly law suits. This system was designed to kill any innovation for late comer like China & Asia.


But everyone has forgotten Chinese is naturally very good at "copying" to outperform everyone, so they started to copy US, EU & Jp predatory system on how to utilize WTO system & patent rights to fight back. The WTO and China.


China paid its due fees $30B p.a. diligently without complaining, working as world sweat shop for meagre margin($15 per $1K iPhone) over 30yrs with high pollution. It started to invest in a huge legal team to patent all its discovery as well, but plough more into R&D instead of playing financial scam like West & Jp. Within a decade, its No.1 in patents filing well surpassing US & the world. Huawei is now No1 patent applicant.



In another decade when 60% technology is consist of new patents, we will see everyone get sued by Chinese for IP thief & cough up huge royalty they had paid to learn their patent lesson, eg. for 5G(China owned 35% of SEP/Standard Essential Patent), AI, automation, autonomous driving, aerospace, FSR, semiconductor, ...


What will US do then? Trumps already threaten to withdraw from WTO, and had paralyzed it by refusing to allow nomination of retired judge replacement. US is single largest violator of WTO law getting most global complaints.


Soon US will also revert back to its old law, where IP rights can only be sued by Americans in US to undercut China. Isn"t shifting goal post and rewriting rules for US advantage is its forte?


Again, everyone has forgotten Chinese is just very good at learning…or copying if you prefer, soon they will copy US old IP law, only Chinese can sue in China, and the world will quickly flood with Made in China "US branded goods" at half the price. This will be the apex of US hypocrisy biting back.


Chinese has found the secret winning formula against US dictate World system after years of suffering West bullying, by simply copying the best in every fields diligently to surpass them, including English language now.


They have send millions to study in West best universities, and employ million of English teachers to teach their people. Soon the world will find many millions of perfect English speaking Chinese with bilingual ability like European.


These Chinese will argue their case eloquently & intelligently backed by data in perfect English everywhere to counter West smear campaign, no longer disadvantage by language. Aren"t we already seeing some in quora now?


As a very good diligent student in "copying" the best, it won"t be long Chinese will also set up a similar state sponsored English propaganda machine like US AP, UK Reuters, France AFP, NYT, WaPo, BBC, etc. Then the world will start get bombard 24/7 that US is the greatest IP thieves and cyper spy espionage, which indeed Snowden"s Prism saga had already convinced us, but someone need to remind daily less the world forget. And the world will start accuse US McDonald stole the big Mac idea from Chinese bun.


China can"t steal what we haven"t invent like 5G. Soon we will also have to pay for their best innovations we forced them to develop - every tiny thing, by putting Chinese leading companies on banned list.


Do you know why China is now trying very hard to convert their export economy to consumption model, which their market size already surpass US this year? I will continue the story later if more wish to know after 500 upvotes. Thanks for reading my China analysis.






(中英文對照)波音的737 Max軟體外包給了每小時9美元的工程師








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