首頁 > 遊戲 > BTS經紀公司BigHit將進軍音樂流媒體行業





Netmable實則為BigHit目前的第二大股東。Netmable同時也是BTS同名手游BTS World的開發方,該遊戲於6月26日在蘋果商店和Google Play上線,不到24小時,即在25個國家的蘋果商店下載榜排名第一,包括韓國、日本以及所有東南亞市場;在中國,該遊戲在整體蘋果商店整體榜單排在了最高第五十位,以及在遊戲榜單排在了第八位,數據均來自Sensor Tower App Intelligence。




Big Hit Entertainment, the mastermind behind global sensation BTS, and the nation』s No. 1 mobile game developer, Netmarble, have joined hands to launch a brand-new music-streaming platform, multiple sources said Tuesday. 據多方消息來源7月9日(周二)所說,全球流行風暴BTS背後主腦BigHit娛樂和韓國國內最大的遊戲開發商Nermarble已經聯手將發起一個全新的音樂流媒體平台項目。Even though the new platform may not be solely dedicated to BTS, sources say, the septet is highly likely to release some new songs exclusively for the platform. 雖然該平台可能不會為BTS專用,但是很有可能會發行BTS獨家音樂。

「The two firms have started development work as a venture project. The platform is targeting global users around the world,」 a Big Hit investor told The Korea Herald on condition of anonymity. 一位匿名的BigHit的投資人告訴KoreaHerald,「作為一個風險投資項目,兩家公司已經開始了它的前期技術開發工作。這個平台瞄準的是全球用戶。」 The new platform might also offer podcasting services, he added, but the details are still under discussion. 「The two firms will continue to analyze the marketability of the new platform before its official launch. They would not rush.」他補充說,」新平台有可能還會提供播客服務,不過細節還在討論中。在項目啟動前,兩家公司還會繼續開展市場調研工作,他們不會匆忙行動。

「 Another industry source familiar with the matter also confirmed the plans. 「Big Hit has been seeking to enter the music distribution business as part of its efforts to diversify revenue sources, which are now largely dependent on BTS,」 according to the source, who did not wish to be identified. 另一位了解此事的行業人士也確認了這一計劃,「BigHit一直在尋求機會進入音樂發行領域,以此多元化它們的收入來源,而不是像現在一樣,其收入大部分來自於BTS」。「Operating its own platform may help reduce some commission fees paid to distributor partners, but more importantly, that would help Big Hit gauge its own brand power with the general public, not just BTS fans.」 」運營自己的平台可以幫助減少BigHit付給合作方(音樂發行商)的提成傭金,更重要的是,可以幫助BigHit持續預估公司品牌對普通公眾的影響力,而不僅僅是對BTS的粉絲群體。

News of the platform comes as investors are increasingly paying keen attention to the extended partnership between Big Hit and Netmarble. 投資方們對BigHit與Netmarble進一步合作的關注越來越強烈。Big Hit founder and chief producer Bang Si-hyuk and Netmarble CEO Bang Jun-hyuk are relatives who have closely supported each other since their early days. In 2014, Netmarble acquired a 25.2 percent stake in Big Hit, becoming its second-largest shareholder after Bang Si-hyuk, who holds 43.1 percent. BigHit創始人和首席製作人Bang Si-hyuk與Netmarbel的首席執行官 Bang Jun-hyuk是親戚,他們從創業早期就互相扶持。2014年,Netmarble獲得了BigHit公司25.2%的股份,成為了僅次於Bang Si-hyuk(43.1%股份)的第二大股東。

Over the years, BTS, which debuted in 2013, has topped global pop charts and is now one of the world』s most-streamed bands, while the market value of Big Hit has reached a whopping 2 trillion won ($1.7 billion). 2013年出道的BTS,經過幾年發展已經成為了全球流行榜單的冠軍常客,也成為了流量最大的男團,這使得BigHit的估值達到了驚人的17億美金Speculation is rampant that the two firms are seeking greater synergy, especially by using lucrative BTS-related intellectual property. Their latest collaboration -- BTS World, a BTS-themed simulation game -- hit the market June 26 and became the most downloaded app in 51 countries that same day. 有許多人推測,兩家公司可能基於BTS相關的知識產權資產進行更大規模的協同合作。它們最近一次的合作是手游BTS World,一款基於BTS的主題遊戲,該遊戲在6月26日正式上線,並在當天於51個國家登上app下載榜單的首位。Last year, Big Hit posted 213.2 billion won in sales and 50.2 billion won in operating profit. Music sales made up almost 30 percent of the company』s total revenue. This year, another record-breaking year for BTS, the firm』s operating profits are expected to nearly double to 90 billion won. 去年,BigHit公布稱,其音樂銷售收入佔到了公司總收入的30%。今年BTS又打破了各種記錄,所以公司的營業利潤被期望將翻倍。

Currently, Big Hit distributes BTS songs through separate partnerships with distributors. In South Korea, it has signed a deal with SK Telecom』s iRiver for local platforms like Kakao』s Melon and KT』s Genie, while globally it has partnered with companies like Sony Music-owned the Orchard and Soribada. 目前,BigHit是通過與不同的音樂發行商分別合作來實現BTS的音樂發行業務。在韓國,它們與SK Telecom下屬的iRiver簽訂了在Melon和Genie的發行合作協議;而在韓國以外的全球範圍內,則是與索尼音樂之類的公司合作發行業務。

In the meantime, Korea』s music-streaming market is estimated to be worth 1 trillion won. Melon owns the largest share, 40 percent, followed by Genie, Naver Music, and SK Telecom』s Flo. 當下韓國的音樂流媒體市場被預估價值1萬億韓元,Melon佔有40%的市場份額,Genie、Naver Music和Flo分別排名在第二、三、四位。



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