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陸地與海洋之間,生活與花園之間,觀景與天空之間,礦物與有機之間:一個新的城市中心的誕生。A Architecture剛剛完成了Cap d』agde大門處的一個新地區的重建。該機構還完成了兩項主要設施,像兩顆白色混凝土珍珠一樣,標誌著這一地區的復興,即Palais des Congres和賭場。

Between land and sea, between living garden, belvedere and sky, between mineral and organic: the birth of a new urban center. A Architecture has just completed the redevelopment of a new district at the gates of Cap d』Agde. The agency has also completed two major facilities which, like two white concrete pearls, signal the renewal of this of this area, the Palais des Congres and the Casino.

一條寬闊的緩坡長廊將他們連接到港口,港口是這個海濱小鎮的中心,由Jean Le Couteur在Racine mission期間創建。作為開發項目的象徵,巴黎會議宮(Palais des Congres)已成為度假村的新展示。該建築群由一組圓形環道與賭場相連,提供了一個強大的、前所未有的三維步行廣場,還將阿格德的新海濱度假勝地與其位於內陸幾公里處的歷史名城無縫連接起來。

A vast gently sloping promenade links them to the port, the heart of this seaside town created by Jean Le Couteur during the Racine mission. Emblematic of the development, the Palais des Congres has become the resort』s new showcase. Connected to the Casino by a set of circular walkways, the complex offers a formidable and unprecedented three-dimensional pedestrian square that also creates a seamless connection between the new seaside resort in Agde and its historic town located a few kilometres inland.


The Palais hall extends over three levels, all three of which connect to one of the winding walkways. A very playful spatial organisation allows easy access from inside and outside, on foot or by bicycle, to all the facility』s services: lobby, exhibition hall, offices, meeting rooms and an auditorium with a seating capacity of 1,200, where turquoise blue, the only accent colour in this white complex, evokes the waves of the Mediterranean.


A large, gently sloping square is on the roof of the complex. Perched high above the site and on one side, a panoramic room, whose shape evokes a Solen (a bivalve shell commonly called a razor shell), offers exceptional views of the entire surrounding landscape.

與A Architecture緊密合作,來自Sete的藝術家Herve di Rosa以一種惡作劇的方式設計了這個2900平方米的白色金屬網格雕塑,它覆蓋了這座位於陸地、海洋和天空之間的建築。

In close collaboration with A Architecture, Herve di Rosa, an artist from Sete, played with the theme of the seabed in a mischievous way to design the 2,900 m2 white metal mesh sculpture that covers the two buildings of this belvedere between land, sea and sky.





建築師:A Architecture




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