首頁 > 趣味 > 每天一杯含糖飲料,患癌風險增加18%,你還敢喝嗎?





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A new study of more than 100,000 healthy adults suggests that regardless of who you are and how healthy your lifestyle may be, if you drink sugar (be it natural or artificial) you are more likely to develop cancer than someone who opts for unsweetened beverages.


"The results regarding fruit juices may be surprising because fruit juices have a healthy image," lead study author Mathilde Touvier told Business Insider.


But Touvier noted that when you compare the amount of sugar in a serving of fruit juice to soda, the drinks are remarkably alike, so it shouldn"t be a shock that juices might hurt our long-term health.


"They contain some vitamins, a little bit of dietary fibers, and no food additives," Touvier said. "But they also contain lots of sugar."


A study of more than 100,000 people has found that drinking juice and other sugary beverages is closely linked with cancer (via Business Insider)

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To understand the potential risks posed by drinking sugary and artificially sweetened drinks, French researchers looked at data on 101,257 adults who were taking part in the ongoing NutriNet-Santé cohort study. The participants were healthy, and had an average age of 42 when they were recruited.


When they first joined the study, participants detailed variables like their sociodemographic status, age, sex, education level, weight, whether they smoked, how much they exercised, their health and what they ate.


The participants filled out an online questionnaire on whether they ate 3,300 different items. Researchers followed up with respondents for a maximum of nine years. A total of 2,193 participants had their first cancer diagnosis in that time.


Drinking sugary drinks—defined as sugar-sweetened beverages and 100 percent fruit juices—was linked with an overall risk of cancer or breast cancer, the authors wrote.


Meanwhile, the team found no link between artificially sweetened drinks and the risk of cancer.


Soda and Fruit Juice Linked to Cancer in Major Study of Sugary Drinks—But Artificially Sweetened Beverages Aren"t (via Newsweek)


(A 100mL per day increase in the amount of sugary drinks an individual consumed was linked with a 22 percent increased risk of breast cancer from the baseline, and an 18 percent increased risk of cancer overall. Soda and Fruit Juice Linked to Cancer in Major Study of Sugary Drinks—But Artificially Sweetened Beverages Aren"t viaNewsweek)


(During the study"s follow-up period, a total of 2,193 first cases of cancer were diagnosed, at the average age of 59 years. Of these, 693 were breast cancers, 291 were prostate cancer cases and 166 were colorectal cancers. A small glass of juice or soda a day is linked to increased risk of cancer, study finds via CNN)

(圖 via Shutterstock)


That"s a major limitation, researchers say, as it"s impossible to determine whether the association is due to a type of beverage or another hidden health issue.


"While this study doesn"t offer a definitive causative answer about sugar and cancer, it does add to the overall picture of the importance of the current drive to reduce our sugar intake," said Amelia Lake, reader in public health nutrition at Teesside University.


A small glass of juice or soda a day is linked to increased risk of cancer, study finds(via CNN)


整合:Du Qiongfang

原文:CNN, Newsweek, Business Insider

圖/題圖:AP, Getty, shutterstock.com



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