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鱷魚的生活習性重建過程。圖片來源:Jorge Gonzalez




基於對牙齒殘骸的詳細研究,科學家們發現,鱷魚的古老種群,包括現存或已滅絕的鱷魚的遠古祖先,與今天我們所熟知的肉食性動物並不相同。這項研究發表在 6 月 27 日的《當代生物學》(Current Biology)雜誌上。實際上,有證據表明,素食性這一習性在現代鱷魚的遠古祖先中至少出現了三次。

「我們發現的最有趣的一點是,已滅絕的鱷形類動物出現植食性習性的頻率非常高,」猶他大學的 Keegan Melstrom 說,「我們推測植食性鱷魚有複雜的牙齒,並且這種特徵在我們的資料庫中至少單獨出現了 3 次,可能有 6 次。」


Melstrom 說:「肉食性動物有著簡單的牙齒,而植食性動物的牙齒更加複雜一些。雜食性動物不僅吃植物也吃動物,介於兩者之間。我早期的部分研究表明,這種習性在有牙齒的爬行動物中保留了下來,如鱷魚類和蜥蜴類等。因此這些結果表明,飲食習慣與牙齒形成的這種對應的特徵在哺乳動物和爬行類動物都被發現了,儘管這兩類動物的牙齒形狀非常不同,因此同樣的模式可以應用於已經滅絕的爬行類動物的分類。」

為了推測那些已經滅絕的鱷形類動物最有可能選擇的食物,Melstrom 和他的導師 Randall Irmis 通過一種最初應用於現存哺乳動物的方法,對已經滅絕的鱷形類動物和現存動物的牙齒結構進行了比較。他們測量了 16 種已滅絕的鱷形類動物的 146 顆牙齒,解析度為每顆牙齒 25 個數據。



「我們的工作表明,已滅絕的鱷形類動物的飲食習慣非常多樣化,」Melstrom 說,「有些動物的飲食習慣與現存鱷魚相似,它們主要是肉食性的。其他的一些則是雜食性的,還有一些則可能主要是植食性的。這些食草鱷形類動物在不同時期生活在不同的大陸上,有一些食草鱷形類動物與哺乳動物類生活中一起,而另一些則沒有。這表明植食性鱷形類動物能夠成功在不同的環境中生存。」

Melstrom 說,他們正在繼續重建已經滅絕的鱷形類動物的飲食習性,包括那些在缺少牙齒的化石物種。他還想研究在一次物種大滅絕之後,倖存的鱷形類動物為什麼能夠發生如此徹底的變化,並探究與飲食相關的生態環境是否在這個過程中起到了一定的作用。


【標題】Repeated Evolution of Herbivorous Crocodyliforms during the Age of Dinosaurs

【作者】Keegan M. Melstrom, Randall B. Irmis

【日期】June 27, 2019

【期刊】Current Biology




【摘要】Extinct crocodyliforms from the age of dinosaurs (Mesozoic Era) display an impressive range of skeletal morphologies, suggesting a diversity of ecological roles not found in living representatives [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. In particular, unusual dental morphologies develop repeatedly through the evolutionary history of this group [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. Recent descriptions of fossil crocodyliforms and their unusual teeth provide the inferential basis for a wide range of feeding ecologies. However, tests of these hypotheses are hindered by the lack of directly comparable dental morphologies in living reptiles and mammals, thereby preventing an accurate ecosystem reconstruction. Here, we demonstrate, using a combination of the orientation patch count rotated method and discrete morphological features, that Mesozoic crocodyliforms exploited a much greater range of feeding ecologies than their extant relatives, including likely omnivores and herbivores. These results also indicate that crocodyliforms independently developed high-complexity dentitions a minimum of three times. Some taxa possess teeth that surpass the complexities of living herbivorous lizards and rival those of omnivorous and herbivorous mammals. This study indicates that herbivorous crocodyliforms were more common than previously thought and were present throughout the Mesozoic and on most continents. The occurrence of multiple origins of complex dentitions throughout Crocodyliformes indicates that herbivory was a beneficial dietary strategy and not a unique occurrence. Many of these crocodyliforms lived alongside omnivorous or herbivorous synapsids, illustrating an ecological partition that is not observed today.



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