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pandas 庫作者手把手教你 Python 數據分析


2、上周收到一位小學老師的留言,希望可以更新幾本教小孩學 Python 的書。趁周末的時間,先整理了兩本,其他有需要的小夥伴也可以根據需要取用哦~


1、Pandas 數據分析

本書的作者 Wes McKinney 是 Python 知名項目 Pandas 的作者,對各種Python庫(包括NumPy、pandas、matplotlib以及IPython等)等都有深入研究,並在大量的實踐中積累了豐富的經驗。撰寫了大量與Python數據分析相關的經典文章,被各大技術社區爭相轉載,是Python和開源技術社區公認的權威人物之一。

目前國內在售的中文版好像還是第一版,目前已經出了第二版,內容更新為了使用 Python 3.6 作為示例,主要內容有:

Use the IPython shell and Jupyter notebook for exploratory computing

Learn basic and advanced features in NumPy (Numerical Python)

Get started with data analysis tools in the pandas library

Use flexible tools to load, clean, transform, merge, and reshape data

Create informative visualizations with matplotlib

Apply the pandas groupby facility to slice, dice, and summarize datasets

Analyze and manipulate regular and irregular time series data

Learn how to solve real-world data analysis problems with thorough, detailed examples





3、Python for Kids

Python for Kids brings Python to life and brings you (and your parents) into the world of programming. The ever-patient Jason R. Briggs will guide you through the basics as you experiment with unique (and often hilarious) example programs that feature ravenous monsters, secret agents, thieving ravens, and more. New terms are defined code is colored, dissected, and explained and quirky, full-color illustrations keep things on the lighter side.

Chapters end with programming puzzles designed to stretch your brain and strengthen your understanding. By the end of the book youll have programmed two complete games a clone of the famous Pong and ?Mr. Stick Man Races for the Exit?—a platform game with jumps, animation, and much more.





請您繼續閱讀更多來自 編程派 的精彩文章:

寫 Python 時你要避免的十個錯誤
Python的51 個秘密曝光,Github獲2 萬星

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