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Musk, Branson and Bezos: Why are three billionaires determined to go to space


來源:英國《獨立報》 翻譯:世界播

Billionaire Jeff Bezos says he was inspired to enter the private space race after watching the Apollo 11 mission 50 years ago and seeing 「Neil and Buzz land on the moon」.


「I got infected by that,」 he told CBS News, referring to the 20 July 1969 landing, involving Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. 「I』ve been dreaming and getting ready for this for a long time.」


He added: 「We humans have to go to space if we are going to continue to have a thriving civilisation. We』re in the process of destroying our planet. We』ve sent robotic probes to every planet in the solar system. We have to preserve this planet. We can do that using the resources of space.」


Half-a-century after those US astronauts beat the Soviet Union in a Cold War showdown to be the first to set foot on the moon, the space industry landscape looks very different. China, India and Europe are challenging the US』s once dominant position, and within the US, amid several dozen private entities, three major private players now dominate the space tourism and exploration sector – Bezos』s Blue Origin, Richard Branson』s Virgin Galactic and Elon Musk』s SpaceX.


「The only reason we can do the things that we can do today is because we are, in fact, standing on the shoulders of giants,」 Bezos said this week, sitting alongside Caroline Kennedy, daughter of assassinated president John F Kennedy.


One would be forgiven for assuming a private space project was the ultimate ego trip for a middle-aged billionaire looking for kicks. But the projects of Branson, 68, Bezos, 55, and 48-year-old Musk began some years ago.


Bezos, the co-founder of Amazon and the world』s richest man, established Blue Origin in 2000, Musk set up SpaceX in 2002 and Branson established Virgin Galactic in 2004.


Branson』s inspiration, too, was watching the Apollo missions. 「The moon landing is what inspired me to wish to go to space,」 he said earlier this year.


「I saw it on a black-and-white television set when I was very young, and this year is the 50th anniversary so it』s a very great year to celebrate.」


Iain Boyd, a space exploration expert and professor of engineering at the University of Michigan, says while the three billionaires are each very different, they were likely inspired by a similar frustration.


He says in the years and decades after the Apollo missions, with the limited success of the space shuttle programme and fewer funds being awarded to Nasa, there was a sense of an opportunity being wasted.


「There was a generation that saw people land on the moon,」 he tells The Independent. 「But then they felt this sense of frustration.」


As a result, he says, it was perhaps natural that private entrepreneurs such as Bezos, Musk and Branson would seek to fill the gap.


Bezos has also talked of sending humans to other planets. Last year, addressing an event to mark the 25th anniversary of the launch of Wired magazine, he said be hoped to see the solar system populated 「by one trillion people」.


「People are starting to bump up against the absolute true fact that earth is finite,」 he said.


There are also questions as to what impact the rush to reach other planets will have on our own. Some have said that by suggesting humanity can reach places such as Mars, there will be less incentive to address the pressing crisis posed by climate change.








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