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聽電影學英語口語 Lesson3:Where『s Stuart』s home?


聽電影學英語口語Lesson3 :Where"s Stuart"s home?

剪輯自(Stuart Little)一家之鼠

Stuart wants to find his family.

Mrs. Little: Stuart, did I hurt you? What』sthe matter?

Stuart: I just wanted to ask you something,but you were already asleep.

Mr. Little: What did you wanna ask?

Stuart: About my real family. You know, theones I look like.

Mrs. Little: He hates us.

Mr. Little: We』ve never been hated before.

Stuart: No, it』s not that. It』s not that atall. It』s just that something is missing. I feel an empty space inside me and Ijust want to know what was there before.

Mrs. Little: You have an empty space?That』s so sad.

Stuart: I hope I haven』t left youdismayed(沮喪的)and disappointed.

Mr. Little: No, don』t, no.

Mrs. Little: No.

Mr. Little: We don』t feel dismayed anddisappointed.

Mrs. Little: Not at all.

Stuart: Are you sure?

Mr. Little: We are certain, Stuart. And ifyou want us to, we』ll find out about your real parents.

Stuart: Well, good night, then.


1. What did you wanna ask? (口語)你要問什麼?

2. We』ve never been hatedbefore.從沒有人怨恨過我們。

3. I feel an empty space inside me.我感到空虛。



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