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學生應該怎麼學佛修行?How should a student practice Buddha Dharma?


Question:How should a student practice Buddha Dharma?


Guru』s answer:Study hard and make progress every day. It is practice. Regularly study and try your best, which is all you should do. At the same time, you have to make a good aspiration. Why do you study? Many people have inappropriate aspiration nowadays. They have no pure mind. All they do is for their own benefit. They worry about not finding a job and not making money if they don』t have certificates. It is all about these but actually these are not important.


You should make such aspiration that you study hard for the society, for the Buddhism career as well as for more sentient beings. In the future, you will turn all knowledge you have learned into a tool that can benefit sentient beings. When you have knowledge and capacity one day, you can make contribution to society and help those sentient beings. To study with this attitude then it is practice. We have to think better and make aspiration.





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