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在醫學上,Cantlie系列或Cantlie系列是進行肝切除術時使用的肝臟的假想分區。[1] 該部門將肝臟分為兩個平面,從中肝靜脈延伸到膽囊中部。[2] 使用Couinaud的分類系統,四個部分中的兩個,三個和兩個部分位於分區的左側,而五個,六個,七個和八個分段位於右側。


這是1887年蘇格蘭外科醫生詹姆斯坎特利(James Cantlie)首次描述的,當時他注意到在進行屍檢時肝臟兩側萎縮量不同。他的結論是,將萎縮部分與肥大部分分開的線必須是肝臟的真正中線,這與人們普遍接受的臍裂分隔肝段的觀點相反。[3] 已經知道門靜脈在肝門附近分裂,正如Francis Glisson在Anatomia hepatis中描述的那樣,但Cantlie是第一個提出肝臟功能可分為左右兩半分開的肝臟。後來在Rous和Larimore於1920年[4]和Schalm於1956年完成的實驗中證實了這一點。[5] 儘管這一發現是在1897年進行的,但第一次臨床門靜脈阻塞直到1982年才發現。[6]


Standring, Susan (2015-07-07). Gray"s Anatomy E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 1162.

Cantlie, J. (1897). "On a new arrangement of the right and left lobes of the liver". Proceedings – Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 32: 4–9.

"James Cantlie"s early messages for hepatic surgeons: how the concept of pre-operative portal vein occlusion was defined". HPB. Oxford. 12 (2): 81–83. 2010. doi:10.1111/j.1477-2574.2009.00124.x. PMC 2826664.

Rous P, Larimore (1920). "Relation of the portal blood to liver maintenance: A demonstration of liver atrophy conditional on compensation". J Exp Med. 31: 609–632.

Schalm L, Bax HR, Mansens BJ (1956). "Atrophy of the liver after occlusion of the bile ducts or portal vein and compensatory hypertrophy of the unoccluded portion and its clinical importance". Gastroenterology. 31: 131–155.

Makuuchi M, Takayasu K, Takuma T, Yamazaki S, Hasegawa H, Nishiura S, et al. (1984). "Preoperative transcatheter embolization of the portal venous branch for patients receiving extended lobectomy due to the bile duct carcinoma". J Jpn Surg Assoc. (45): 1558–1564.



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