首頁 > 佛學 > 家裡請的菩薩放的位置有講究嗎?



Question: Do we have to pay attention to the location that we place the Buddha statue at home?


Guru』s Answer: Generally speaking, we should put Buddhist scriptures above the niche and the statue in below. The statue of Buddha is placed in the middle, Bodhisattvas on the side and then protectors. Alternatively, depending on your faith, you can place the one that you have the greatest faith in the middle and others on the side. There are some particular requirements to place the statues of Buddha; you can follow these requirements. If you don』t go by with these requirements, it is fine just based on your faith.


Yidams are often mentioned in Secret Mantrayana. The one that you like the most and feel the great faith in is your Yidam. If you can consider Him as the nature of all Buddhas in one, then one represents every Buddha and every Buddha is the one. He is your Yidam then. Take Amitabha for example, if you consider Him as the nature of all Buddhas in one, then Avalokitevara or Manjusri are the manifestation of Buddha. When you recite the mantra of Amitabha, you are actually reciting all of the Bodhisttavas. If you do this, Amitabha is your Yidam.

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