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工作和生活中屢被「侵犯」 是因為:缺乏個人邊界








At work , Are you the kind ofpeople who are often asked by colleagues , Do something that doesn"t fall within your jobresponsibilities ? I"m not careful and I"mgoing to give my co-worker snod PPT, think of a solution , So often work overtime late.

Your boss always loves to find you during his break. , You have to respond to each other all the time. , Even help the other person do some personalthings.

Whether it"s a co-worker or a boss. , Seems to be "violating" you at work. , Make an improper claim , Let you do a lot of things you shouldn"t do.

Although reluctant , But out of fear ofoffending a boss or co-worker, ,You"re stillgoing to take it. , But these people don"tstop because of your kindness. ,and willcome to you even harder.......

Why don"t co-workers ask for help? , I"m looking for you. ? Just because of you. pptWell done. ? Why does your boss lookfor you without looking for someone else during the break? ? Just because of your conscientious attitude.?

And the reason you"re being treated this way , Maybeit"s not because your boss and co-workers are too deceiving. , butbecause you"re "too soft." , Lack of personal boundaries , Involuntarily,people can "invade" you.





What is a personal boundary??

Personal boundaries are the norms, limits established by a person,to distinguish between what is reasonable andsafe.,What is allowed,and how to deal with others when they cross theseboundaries.

In the workplace,A man who lacks a senseof border.,Often"violated" by bosses and co-workers, Do something outside ofyour duty against yourintentions. In order to maintain and maintain a good relationship with yourboss and co-workers,,it is difficult to refusethe other person"s request and request.









What kind of people lack a sense of border?

Low self-esteem, low sense of value

Usually,,Those who maintain goodrelationships with their superiors and co-workers at work,and to do something against his will and withinhis or her responsibilities.,Tendto haslow self-esteem. They always have a sense of "lack",they lack their ability,to work and need to make up for it with other things. Soall day carefully, worried about refusing the request of,colleagues, superiors, resulting in job insecurity.

A person who has core competitiveness and can create value at work,it"s not going to please people.,Do things you don"t want and you shouldn"t do,Do your part of your job,That"s the right thing to do.

Too much care about what other people think.

Big Five Personality Thinks,Personalitytraits are composed of five dimensions: neuroticism, extroverting, openness,pleasantness and due diligence.,people withhigh neurotic scores,Sensitive to otherpeople"s emotions,I also care about whatother people think of themselves.

Man is a social animal.,You need to adjust yourwords and actions by observing the attitudes of others.,To make sure your actions are done properly. Andtoo much care about other people"s views, often lead to,individuals lose themselves,,ignore, against their own intentions,,Agree to the other party"s improper request,,in order to get colleagues, superiors love, recognition.










So, what"s,How to establish personalboundaries at work?

Set up principles, bottom line

Think about what you can"t accept at work. Which bottom lines areadjustable,which are iradjustable.

If anything,,They"re all sticking tothe bottom line.,It"s going to make peoplefeel too untouched.,I don"t know how to beflexible. Giving the bottom line an adjustable range,is the ideal personal boundary.

Show attitude

Sometimes.,Being angry is also anattitude. When the other side made excessive demands,without trying to pretend to be a group of feelings,to show their dissatisfaction,Let the other person realize the signal that you areangry,know where your bottom line is.

If i"ve been smiling,,Don"t be angry and don"trefuse.,For convenience don"tknow where your bottom line is,will keepmaking excessive requests. Once you"ve made the bottom line,,your co-workers and supervisors won"t be "steppingon the line" again.

What"s your attitude? , What do people have to say about you? Building principles and bottom lines is theway to protect yourself at work.



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