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「讓人們改變自己的飲食習慣其實相當困難。我一遍又一遍地經歷類似的教訓,然後我就想:『為什麼會這麼難呢?』」肯塔基大學(University of Kentucky)的護士研究員珍妮弗·L·史密斯(Jennifer L. Smith)說道,對於這個問題她現在有了個初步答案:這可能取決於你的基因。具體來講就是,你在基因上是否對苦味或者說蔬菜的苦澀特別敏感。




Aversion to Broccoli May Have Genetic Roots

If you have heart disease, your doctor might tell you, eat more vegetables. A tactic that has limited success.

「Getting people to change their diets is actually pretty hard. These are lessons I would give over and over again. And I would think, 『Why is this so hard to do?』」

Jennifer L. Smith is a nurse researcher at the University of Kentucky who now has a preliminary answer about why change is so hard: it might depend on your genes. Specifically, whether or not you』re geneticallypredisposedto perceive bitterness—and therefore bitter veggies.

「So broccoli is definitely one of them. They tend to becruciferousvegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage,brussels sprouts,asparagus."

If you ever took that test in science class where you put a piece of paper on your tongue to see if it tastes bitter, you might already know your bitter status.

Smith took saliva samples from 175 adults known to be at risk of cardiovascular disease. She then did a genetic test to determine whether they had a copy of a bitter-taste gene variant. She also had them fill in a questionnaire about their eating habits.

After controlling for factors like age, gender, income, and so on, Smith found that people with a copy of the bitter-sensitive gene variant...[full transcript]



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