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從語義上看,詞語之間主要存在有三種關係: 相似、內包與對比,也就是三類詞語:同義詞、類義詞與反義詞。從語用上看,它們可分別用於口頭、書面、莊重、幽默、粗俗、學術等不同文體中,也可以用於不同的時間、地點、人物等不同的場合中


例如:1) The fireman extinguished a fire. (正式書面用語)The fireman put out a fire. (非正式口頭用語)
2) Most children like candies. (美式英語)Most children like sweets.(英式英語)
3) What he said hurt me.(語氣莊重而嚴肅)What he said bit me. (隱喻體現幽默)
4) I apprehended the perpetrator. (正式用語,法庭上對法官的用語)I collared the creep. (口語,如在酒吧對同事的用語)
5) You have lied. (直接,語氣較強 )You have distorted the facts. (間接,語氣委婉)
6) It』s rather chilly this morning. (在夏季時使用)It』s rather cold this morning. (在冬季時使用)
7) The climbers zigzagged their way up the mountains. (形象,具體)The climbers made their way up the mountains. (抽象,一般)


1) A drizzle will save the dried crops.A fine rain will saved the dried crops.
2) A stroll after meal benefits you a good deal.A leisured walk after meal benefits you a good deal.
3) She remained calm under the gaze of so many angry eyes.She remained calm under the steady look of so many angry eyes.
4) Only by sipping can tea be properly tasted.Only by drinking slowly can tea be properly tasted



1) Many of his friends were there.Not a few of his friends were there.
2) You are careless.You are not careful.
3) Remember me to your uncle.Don』t forget me to your uncle.
1) He is the greatest living novelist. (前置定語)He is the greatest novelist alive. (後置定語)
2) What he said affected us much. (動詞)What he said had a great effect on us. (名詞)
3)This is a high building.(修飾物體)He is a tall man. (修飾人與物)





1、He died in the accident last year.(強調動作)He was dead in the accident last year.(此句描述的是動作,而 was dead 表示死亡的狀態,什麼時間和原因死的為未知信息,從語義和語用上看,此句是病句)
2、There he fought bravely.(強調人物動作)There he showed bravery in fighting.(強調人物動作特徵)There he was brave in fighting.(強調人物品質)There he proved abrave fighter.(強調結果)
3、He walked home quiet.He walked home quietly.
這兩句話容易誤解,但從詞級修飾規律來看,第一句quiet為形容詞,不修飾動詞,故修飾代詞he, 因此,第一句話的意思為:He walked home and he was quiet,暗含他可能不高興。
第二句的quietly 為副詞,故修飾動詞walked,強調慢慢地走路的方式,暗含怕驚動別人。
4、He was reluctant to go there. (暗含他可能根本沒有去)He went there withreluctance. (他不情願地去了)
5、It is important to study Chinese well.

It is of great / much /no / little importance to study Chinese well.

He hates staying at home.He has / feels / bears / conceives a hatred of staying at home.


1、You are my friend ; He is my friend too. (添加)He, as well as you, is my friend.Not only you but also he is my friend.
2、He loves music; His wife hates it.(對比)He loves music while his wife hates it.
3、He is a child; He knows a lot. (讓步)Child as he is, he knows a lot.Though he is a child, he knows a lot.
4、Make a little more effort; You will succeed. (條件)Make a little more effort andyou』ll succeed.If you make a little more effort, you』ll succeed.
5、I was taking a walk; I came across my old friend. (時間)I was taking a walk whenI came across my old friend.I came across my old friend while I was taking a walk.
6、It was raining hard; I stayed at home. (因果)It was raining hard, therefore, I stayed at home.It was raining hard, so I stayed at home.Because it was raining hard, I stayed at home.
7、I left the door open; The cat could get in. (目的)I left the door open so that / in order that the cat could get in.
8、He broke the rules of the school; He had to leave. (結果)He broke the rules of the school. As a result, he had to leave.
9、He has little money; I have little money too. (比較)He has no more money than I do.
10、Do this exercise; You have been taught how to do it. (方式)Do this exercise as /in the way you have been taught.






1、I like your salad; It』s tasty.I like your tasty salad.
2、She had a daughter; She was five years old.She had a five-year-old daughter.
3、We should put the things in a room; Let』s find a room first.Let』s find a room first to put the things in.
4、The teacher helped me in my study; I made great progress.Helped by the teacher, I made great progress.
5、He was killed in an accident; Have you heard the news?Have you news heard the news that he was killed in an accident
6、He is absent; I know the reason.I know the reason why he is absent.

例如:Communications changed with the introduction of mobile phones and the way we corresponded went from writing letters to emailing. We started flying around the world and meanwhile, scientists figured out how to split the atom,previously thought to be the smallest particle of the matter in the universe. (lesson2, unit20, module7. 北師大版)
本段含有with介詞短語,定語從句we corresponded, how引導的不定式複合結構作賓語和過去分詞短語 thought to be…作定語,可分解為下文:
As the mobile phones were introduced, communications changed. We also corresponded in a different way and it went from writing letters to emailing. We started flying around the world and meanwhile scientists figured out how they could split the atom. Scientists previously thought the atom was the smallest particles of the matter in the universe.


1、I admire his learning, but I despise his character.His learning I admire, but his character I despise. (強調,加強語氣)
2、I have seldom met him in the street.Seldom have I met him in the street. (強調)
3、The door opened and a man came in.The door opened and in came a man. (強調,暗含那人不該進入)
4、The hunter killed the tiger.The tiger was killed by the hunter.
從資訊理論角度來看,第一句 the hunter是已知信息,killed the tiger是新信息;第二句 the tiger是已知信息,was killed是新信息, by the hunter則可能是強調新信息,暗含是獵人殺的,而不是其他人。
5、How to solve the problem remains a question.It remains a question how to solve the problem. (平衡句子結構)
6、A village lies at the foot of the mountain.At the foot of the mountain lies a village. (平衡句子結構,在語篇中起銜接作用)





1、What he said is right. His words are right.(名詞短語)
2、As he was eager for success, he overworked himself.Eager for success, he overworked himself. (形容詞短語)
3、Please show me how I』m to start the machine.Please show me how to start the machine. (不定式短語)
4、She is so old that she can』t learn computer. She is too old to learn computer. (不定式短語)
5、If it were not for the sun, there would be no life.But for the sun, there would be no life. (介詞短語)
6、He liked the windows open when he slept.He liked to sleep with the windows open. (介詞短語)
7、As she saw nobody was at home, she decided to leave a note.Seeing nobody at home, she decided to leave a note. (分詞短語)




例如:1、The man asked, 「 Will you help me?」 (一般疑問句)The man asked whether / if I could help him.
2、「 When will you come here ?」asked he. (特殊疑問句)He wanted to know when I would go there.
3、He said to me, 「 please come again tomorrow.」 (祈使句)He asked me to go there again the next day.
4、He said 「 I don』t know the news.」 (陳述句)He said that he didn』t know the news.
5、He shouted to me, 「 go away!」(祈使句)She ordered me to go away.
6、「 How beautiful our school is!」 said he. (感嘆句)He exclaimed that their school was very beautiful.



1、The moon is like a silver plate. (明喻)The moon is round and bright.
2、She was the apple of his eyes. (隱喻)He loves her dearly.
3、Rob stormed out of the house and slammed the door. (借喻)Rob was very angry and went out of the house quickly and slammed the door.
4、The wind was whispering in the pines. (擬人)The wind was blowing past the pines.
5、The kettle is boiling. (借代)The water in the kettle is boiling.
6、Blood streams down from his forehead. (誇張)Blood runs down from his forehead.
7、He passed away three years ago. (婉言法)He died three years ago.
8、Seven days without water make one weak / week.(雙關)Without water for seven days one becomes weak.


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