首頁 > 文史 > 紐約發生血腥反猶襲擊案,嫌犯曾研究過「希特勒為何憎恨猶太人」


?Grafton Thomas, Monsey stabbing suspect, searched 『why did Hitler hate the Jews,』 prosecutors say

素材來源:《華盛頓郵報》 翻譯:世界播

More than a month before he charged into Hanukkah celebrations with a machete, prosecutors say, Grafton Thomas used his cellphone to search the Internet: 「Why did Hitler hate the Jews.」


That query — entered three more times over the following weeks — was just one red flag authorities found when they combed through Thomas』s belongings, officials said. There were more online searches, for temples 「near me.」


The discoveries detailed by an FBI agent would bring Thomas to court Monday on federal hate-crime charges, a day after he was charged with attempted murder in the stabbing that wounded five people at a rabbi』s home in New York』s Rockland County.


Thomas』s family has said the suspect has 「no known history of anti-Semitism」 and attributed any responsibility in Saturday』s rampage in the New York suburb of Monsey to 「profound mental illness.」 But the federal criminal complaint points to Thomas』s handwritten journals and online history as evidence that the man sought to target Jews in an assault that quickly renewed fears of rising anti-Semitic violence.


Thomas pleaded not guilty on Sunday to five state counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary.


Thomas』s attorney in court Monday declined to comment.


Even before Monday』s charges brought a potential motive into focus, many officials and community leaders had denounced anti-Semitism and expressed concern about a spate of attacks on Jewish residents. Saturday』s stabbing was the 13th anti-Semitic incident in three weeks in New York state, the governor said, calling the Monsey stabbing 「domestic terrorism.」


Authorities found Thomas within hours of the attack, with blood on his clothes in a car that smelled of bleach.


The suspect』s browser history showed queries related to Nazis, Jews and synagogues dating to at Nov. 9, according to the complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney』s Office for the Southern District of New York. A day before the stabbing, the complaint says, Thomas accessed an article on New York』s decision to increase police presence in multiple Jewish neighborhoods amid fears of anti-Semitic violence.


Journals discovered in Thomas』s home also include anti-Semitic statements, an FBI officer wrote in the federal complaint.


Thomas』s family sought to dispel accusations of anti-Semitism in a statement released Sunday through a lawyer, saying he was not a member of any hate groups and 「was raised in a home which embraced and respected all religions and races.」


The family pointed to Thomas』s 「long history of mental illness and hospitalizations,」 adding that attorney Michael Sussman plans to seek a mental health evaluation.


Sussman』s office did not respond Monday to inquiries.




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