首頁 > 天下 > 世界衛生組織:新冠狀病毒感染肺炎目前不是國際公共衛生緊急事件




當地時間23日晚,世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)宣布,當前不會將中國新型冠狀病毒感染肺炎疫情列為「國際關注的公共衛生緊急事件」(PHEIC,public health emergency of international concern)。

世衛組織表示,目前宣布「國際關注的公共衛生緊急事件」為時尚早,當前新型冠狀病毒感染肺炎疫情對中國是一個緊急事件(PHEIC,an emergency),但還不能認定為是國際緊急事件。疫情比較複雜,目前感染數量尚未達到宣布緊急事件的標準,世界衛生組織將密切關注。



The World Health Organization has determined that the outbreak of the SARS-like coronavirus spreading rapidly across China is not yet a global health emergency — a rare designation the agency gives outbreaks that pose an international risk.


The decision Thursday comes as the number of people diagnosed with the 2019-nCoV virus has surged to more than 650, and there are sick people in at least seven other countries, with 18 people dead.


「Make no mistake, this is an emergency in China. But it has not yet become a global health emergency,」 said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the WHO. He was referring specifically to the formal 「public health emergency of international concern,」 or PHEIC, declaration an expert committee at the agency had considered.

世界衛生組織總幹事譚德塞(Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)稱:「沒錯,這是中國的緊急事件。但它還沒有成為全球性的衛生緊急事件。」他特指機構的一個專家委員會曾考慮宣布的正式「國際關注的公共衛生緊急事件」(PHEIC)。

But because of the limited number of cases that have spread outside of China to date, and China』s efforts to control the outbreak, the committee determined it was too early to use the designation. 「At this time, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China, but that doesn』t mean it won』t happen,」 Tedros added.


The outbreak was only reported to the WHO by Chinese officials 3.5 weeks ago, on December 31. It appears to have originated in Wuhan, a city of 11 million in Hubei province. At that point, cases centered on Wuhan』s Huanan South China Seafood Market and the leading hypothesis was that the virus was spreading directly from animals to humans there.


But since last week, cases have jumped from around 50 to 634. By Tuesday, the WHO』s Western Pacific Regional Office said there may be 「sustained」 human-to-human transmission, meaning the virus can transmit easily from one person to the next and then onward to others, raising the specter of another pathogen in the coronavirus family, SARS.


Now, the toll is expected to continue to increase as hundreds of millions of people across China travel for Lunar New Year in the world』s largest annual human migration. Chinese authorities have been scrambling to control the spread of the virus, even taking the extraordinary measure of imposing travel restrictions on the 20 million people who live in Wuhan and two neighboring cities.





severe acute respiratory syndrome的縮寫,即嚴重急性呼吸綜合征


A coronavirus is a common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat.冠狀病毒

human-to-human transmission


public health emergency of international concern




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