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俄亥俄州立大學(Ohio State University)的環境科學家保羅·加布里埃利(Paolo Gabrielli)說:「這些灰燼被帶到數千公里之外,最終隨落雪而沉積下來。」他的團隊在西藏發現了早期工業污染的空氣傳播跡象,具體來說,是在希夏邦馬峰(Mount Shisha Pangma)上海拔24 000英尺(約7 300米)的冰川中提取的冰芯(ice core)里。這種冰芯就像時間膠囊一樣,記錄著每年混入降雪中的污染物。

「在這種情況下,我們能夠從地表向下對冰層逐年計數,甚至能數到超過500年以前,涵蓋的時間段從公元1500年到1992年。在剛開始記錄時,我們沒有在冰層中觀察到任何種類的人為污染,一直到大約1780年的時候,我們開始觀察到一些痕量金屬(trace metal)的富集。」


Industrial Revolution Pollution Found in Himalayan Glacier

Near the end of the 18th century, the industrial revolution began to transform Great Britain. Machines replaced hand tools, factories sprouted up in cities and towns, and a sharpuptickin coal combustion polluted the skies. The industrial revolution, and the pollution that followedin its wake, soon spread to the rest of Europe. But some of the smoke and ash didn』t stay there. It also drifted into the upper atmosphere and was blown by winter winds all the way to thefrigidHimalayas.

「This ash was transported for thousands of kilometers. And eventually, it was deposited with the snowflakes.」

Environmental scientist Paolo Gabrielli of the Ohio State University. His team found signatures of airborne pollution from the beginning of the industrial revolution in Tibet—specifically, inice corestaken from a glacier nearly 24,000 feet above sea level on Mount Shisha Pangma. Such ice cores are like time capsules that contain a record of the contaminants that were mixed in with each year』s snowfall.

「And we are able to count annual layers from the surface down to a depth, in this case, of even more than 500 years, covering a time period between the year 1500 A.D. to 1992. At the beginning of our record, we didn』t observe any kind ofanthropogeniccontribution in our ice. And this lasted until about the year 1780. At that time, we start to observe an enrichment of some trace metals.」

These metals included zinc, chromium, nickel...[full transcript]



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