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為優化各專精在8.3的表現與職業平衡,我們會在近期對此進行調整1. 調整特質-狂怒凝視對急速的加成效果(降低急速綠字數值)2. 更改浩劫專精下的腐蝕RPPM機制(降低每分鐘觸發概率)



If you are a Demon Hunter player, the following news will be important to you.

We are considering to add a 485 Ilvl single-hand Axe in game, this item will in the loot lists of Mythic N"Zoth the Corruptor, the CORRUPTION will be Echoing Void (Level 2).In the other hand, Havoc takes much more advantage of CORRUPTION EFFECTS than other classes, which base on the large amount of Haste by Azerite Powers of Havoc- Furious Gaze.

Therefore, for the best of all classes balanced and performance in Patch 8.3, the following adjustments are incoming:1. Adjustment of the Azerite Powers - Furious Gaze, reduce the amount of Haste gain.2. Adjustment of the RPPM system for Havoc only, reduce the average rate of a random special effect activating over a minute.

Again, we intend to complete these changes in the next week, and we』ll let you know as soon as we』re set on final tuning numbers.Thank you all for your feedback on this.







這封郵件是向魔獸世界項目組反饋一個問題,當我們知曉8.3版本團本-尼奧羅薩的裝備掉落後,驚訝的發現在所有近戰DPS中,惡魔獵手是唯一一個不具備拾取485物品等級武器資格的職業眾所周知,決定極限近戰DPS的關鍵就是主手武器的物品等級,那麼這個因素勢必會造成近戰DPS職業的失衡在經過ProDH Discord群內29名惡魔獵手玩家(均為WCL世界排名前50者)的長時間討論,以及Reddit和NGACN(聞名遐邇的中文WOW論壇)中DH版塊的投票(共計52233人次參與投票),最後統計出共40724人次希望可以拾取485物品等級武器至此,我們希望WOW項目組可以考慮世界範圍內惡魔獵手玩家的建議,更希望你們可以完善優化8.3版本職業的平衡性



Dear Community Manager Kaivax,

I am writing this e-mail for informing an issue to the WOW Community Group, which is when the loot lists of patch 8.3 the Ny"alotha coming out, we surprisingly realized that Demon Hunter is the only one who couldn"t have the 485 Ilvl weapon loot chance, includes all melee DPSs.Meanwhile, base on a common basics, the Ilvl of main-hand weapon will determined the peak of melee DPS"s performance. Therefore, this issue maybe causes an imbalance in all melee DPSs.After a long-term Discord group discussion which amongs 29 DH players (world TOP 50 in Wcl), besides a 52233 tickets vote event in both Reddit"s and NGACN"s (famed Chinese WOW forum) Demon Hunter section. Eventually, we got 40724 people wants to loot a 485 Ilvl weapon hopefully.In the end, we hope that the WOW project group could consider the suggestions of DH players all around the world, and do a fantasic job of all Classes" balance in Patch 8.3.

Best and have a nice day,Avade



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