首頁 > 天下 > 慈禧御用翻譯全英文演講視頻流出:你的英文竟不如一個清朝人?




The world today is passing through the most tremendous periods of real adjustment as mankind has seen. And the real desire to do away with the war is being manifested.

Peace on earth and good will towards man can only be accomplished by the mutual respect and understanding from one nation towards another.

Since I have been in this country first time through my writing and lecturing, I have endeavored to create a better understanding between China and the United States by presenting their beautiful artistic and cultural side of Chinese life.

I am grieved that this side of Chinese life is very little known here. Although China is a very old country, she is a young republic. She is striving, muffling to develop and become up to date.

This will take time, but in Chinese" heart, it is not far behind her American sisters in her desire to become emancipated. Rapid transportation has brought China and the United States to each other"s doorway. I feel especially privileged and grateful.

德齡公主(Yü Derling, Princess Derling)本名裕德齡,1885年6月8日生於湖北武漢。少年時,裕德齡隨父先後在日本和法國生活六年。17歲時隨父回京,因通曉外文和西方禮儀,和妹妹裕容齡一同被慈禧招入宮中,成為紫禁城八女官之一。裕德齡不是清朝公主,德齡公主這一頭銜是慈禧太后在宮中給她的「特許稱號」,當時的光緒皇帝從未證實或批核。1907年,裕德齡與美國駐滬領事館的副領事撤迪厄斯·懷特(Thaddeus C. White)結婚。婚後,德齡公主在美國加利福尼亞州生活,並在加州大學伯克利分校教中文。德齡公主曾用英文寫下了她在宮廷內的所見所聞——《清宮二年記》(Two Years in the Forbidden City)。1944年,德齡公主因車禍去世,享年59歲。



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