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研究表明,幫助別人使我們更快樂。但社會心理學家Elizabeth Dunn研究發現:如何提供幫助更重要!如果能在幫助他人的方式上做出一個關鍵的轉變,我們就能產生更大的影響,並從中提升自己的幸福感。

So, I have a pretty fun job, which is to figure outwhat makes people happy. It"s so fun, it might almost seen a little frivolous,especially at a time where we"re being confronted with some pretty depressingheadlines. But it turns out that studying happiness might provide a key tosolving some of the toughest problems we"re facing. It"s taken me almost adecade to figure this out.


Pretty early on in my career, I published a paper in"Science" with my collaborators, entitled, "Spending Money on OthersPromotes Happiness". I was very confident in this conclusion, except forone thing: it didn"t seem to apply to me.


I hardly ever gave money to charity, and when I did,I didn"t feel that warm glow I was expecting. So I started to wonder if maybethere was something wrong with my research or something wrong with me. My ownlackluster emotional response to giving was especially puzzling because myfollow-up studies revealed that even toddlers exhibited joy from giving toothers.


In one experiment, my colleagues Kiley Hamlin, LaraAknin and I brought kids just under the age of two into the lab. Now, as youmight imagine, we had to work with a resource that toddlers really care about,so we used the toddler equivalent of gold, namely, Goldfish crackers. We gavekids this windfall of Goldfish for themselves and a chance to give some oftheir Goldfish away to a puppet named Monkey.


(Video) Researcher: I found even more treats, and I"mgoing to give them all to you.

Toddler: Ooh. Thank you.

Researcher: But, you know, I don"t see any moretreats. Will you give one to Monkey?

Toddler: Yeah.

Researcher: Yeah?

Toddler: Yeah.

Researcher: Ooh, yummy. Mmmm.

Toddler: All gone, he ate it.









Elizabeth Dunn: Now, we trained research assistantsto watch these videos and code toddlers" emotional reactions. Of course, wedidn"t tell them our hypotheses. The data revealed that toddlers were prettyhappy when they got this pile of Goldfish for themselves, but they wereactually even happier when they got to give some of their Goldfish away. Andthis warm glow of giving persists into adulthood.


When we analyze surveys from more than 200,000adults across the globe, we saw that nearly a third of the world"s population reportedgiving at least some money to charity in the past months.


Remarkably, in every major region of the world,people who gave money to charity were happier than those who did not, evenafter taking into account their own personal financial situation. And thiscorrelation wasn"t trivial. It looked like giving to charity made about thesame difference for happiness as having twice as much income.


Now, as a researcher, if you"re lucky enough tostumble on an effect that replicates around the world in children and adultsalike, you start to wonder: Could this be part of human nature? We know thatpleasure reinforces adaptive behaviors like eating and sex that help perpetuateour species, and it looked to me like giving might be one of those behaviors.


I was really excited about these ideas, and I wroteabout them in "The New York Times". One of the people who read thisarticle was my accountant. Yeah,At tax time, I found myself seated across from him, watching as heslowly tapped his pen on the charitable giving line of my tax return with thislook of, like, poorly concealed disapproval.


Despite building my career by showing how greatgiving can feel, I actually wasn"t doing very much of it. So I resolved to givemore.


Around that time, devastating stories about theSyrian refugee crisis were everywhere. I really wanted to help, so I pulled outmy credit card. I knew my donations would probably make a difference forsomeone somewhere, but going to the website of an effective charity andentering my Visa number still just didn"t feel like enough.


That"s when I learned about the Group of Five. TheCanadian government allows any five Canadians to privately sponsor a family ofrefugees. You have to raise enough money to support the family for their firstyear in Canada, and then they literally get on a plane to your city.


One of the things that I think is so cool about thisprogram is that no one is allowed to do it alone. And instead of a Group ofFive, we ended up partnering with a community organization and forming a groupof 25.


After almost two years of paperwork and waiting, welearned that our family would be arriving in Vancouver in less than six weeks.They had four sons and a daughter, so we raced to find them a place to live. Wewere very lucky to find them a house, but it needed quite a bit of work. So myfriends came out on evenings and weekends and painted and cleaned and assembledfurniture. When the big day came, we filled their fridge with milk and freshfruit and headed to the airport to meet our family.


It was a little overwhelming for everyone,especially the four-year-old. His mother was reunited with her sister who hadcome to Canada earlier through the same program. They hadn"t seen each other in15 years. When you hear that more than 5.6 million refugees have fled Syria,you"re faced with this tragedy that the human brain hasn"t really evolved tocomprehend. It"s so abstract.


Before, if any of us had been asked to donate 15hours a month to help out with the refugee crisis, we probably would have saidno. But as soon as we took our family to their new home in Vancouver, we allhad the same realization: we were just going to do whatever it took to helpthem be happy.


This experience made me think a little more deeplyabout my research.Back in my lab, we"d seen the benefits of giving spike whenpeople felt a real sense of connection with those they were helping and couldeasily envision the difference they were making in those individuals" lives. Forexample, in one experiment, we gave participants an opportunity to donate a bitof money to either UNICEF or Spread the Net.


We chose these charities intentionally, because theywere partners and shared the same critically important goal of promoting children"s health. But I think UNICEF is just such a big, broad charity that itcan be a little hard to envision how your own small donation will make adifference. In contrast, Spread the Net offers donors a concrete promise: forevery 10 dollars donated, they provide one bed net to protect a child frommalaria. We saw that the more money people gave to Spread the Net, the happierthey reported feeling afterward.


In contrast, this emotional return on investment wascompletely eliminated when people gave money to UNICEF. So this suggests thatjust giving money to a worthwhile charity isn"t always enough. You need to beable to envision how, exactly, your dollars are going to make a difference.


Of course, the Group of Five program takes this ideato a whole new level. When we first took on this project, we would talk aboutwhen the refugees would arrive. Now, we just refer to them as our family.


Recently, we took the kids ice skating, and laterthat day, my six-year-old, Oliver, asked me,"Mommy, who is the oldest kidin our family"? I assumed he was talking about his plethora of cousins,and he was talking about them, but also about our Syrian family.


Since our family arrived, so many people and organizationshave offered to help, providing everything from free dental fillings to summercamps. It"s made me see the goodness that exists in our community.


Thanks to one donation, the kids go to go to bikecamp, and every day of the week, some member of our group tried to be there tocheer for them.


I happened to be there the day the training wheelswere supposed to come off, and let me tell you, the four-year-old did not thinkthis was a good idea. So I went over and talked to him about the long-termbenefits of riding without training wheels. Then I remembered that he was fourand barely spoke English.


So I reverted to two words he definitely knew: icecream. You try without training wheels, I"ll buy you ice cream. Here"s whathappened next.


(Video) ED: Yes.


Kid: I"m gonna try.

ED: Oh my God! Look at you go! Look at you go!You"re doing it all by yourself!

ED: Good job!






ED: So this is the kind of helping that human beingsevolved to enjoy, but for 40 years, Canada was the only country in the worldthat allowed private citizens to sponsor refugees. Now--Canada! It"s prettygreat.


Now Australia and the UK are starting up similarprograms. Just imagine how different the refugee crisis could look if morecountries made this possible. Creating these kinds of meaningful connectionsbetween individuals provides an opportunity to deal with challenges that feeloverwhelming.


One of those challenges lies just blocks from whereI"m standing right now, in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. By somemeasures, it"s the poorest urban postal code in Canada.


We actually debated whether to bring over a familyof refugees, because there are so many people right here already struggling. Myfriend Evan told me that when he was a kid and his parents drove through thisneighborhood, he would duck down in the back seat.


But Evan"s parents never would have guessed thatwhen he grew up, he would open up the doors of a local restaurant and invitethis community inside to enjoy three-course dinners.


The program that Evan helped build is called"Plenty of Plates", and the goal is not just to provide free mealsbut to create moments of connection between people who otherwise might nevermake eye contact.


Each night, a local business sponsors the dinner andsends a team of volunteers who help make and serve the meal. Afterward, theleftovers get distributed to people who are out on the street, and importantly,there"s enough money left to provide a thousand free lunches for this communityin the days that follow. But the benefits of this program extend beyond food.


For the volunteers, it provides an opportunity toengage with people, to sit down and hear their stories. After this experience,one volunteer changed his commute so that instead of avoiding thisneighborhood, he walks through it, smiling or making eye contact as he passesfamiliar faces.


All of us are capable of finding joy in giving. Butwe shouldn"t expect this to happen automatically. Spending money helping othersdoesn"t necessarily promote happiness. Instead, it matters how we do it.


And if we want people to give more, we need tosubvert the way we think about charitable giving. We need to createopportunities to give that enable us to appreciate our shared humanity.


If any of you work for a charity, don"t reward yourdonors with pens or calendars. Reward them with the opportunity to see thespecific impact that their generosity is having and to connect with theindividuals and communities they"re helping.


We"re used to thinking about giving as something weshould do. And it is. But in thinking about it this way, we"re missing out onone of the best parts of being human: that we have evolved to find joy inhelping others.


Let"s stop thinking about giving as just this moralobligation and start thinking of it as a source of pleasure. Thank you.




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