首頁 > 佛學 > 修加行就是反覆看開示視頻嗎?



Question:In preliminary practicing do we just watch Guru』s teaching videos over and over again?


Guru』s answer:Watching videos and reading books both belong to Dharma listening. 『Listening, contemplating and practicing』 requires us to think and act. Wisdom has three types which include wisdom that comes through hearing, reflecting and meditating. It is not appropriate in Dharma learning that we just limit it to listening only without real contemplation and practice.


When listening to the teachings, we have to grasp the key essence, remember it well and then contemplate it repeatedly. After contemplating it with various methods and through various aspects, you will understand the concept more and experience it deeper. And then you can go for practicing. What is practice? It is to implement the Dharma theories to your life and work, which requires you to feel and experience. Only through practicing with perceptual objects can we have this right view to be cultivated in our continuity deeply with no wavering at any time. Until then, you will have a true and firm belief.


We have to experience and perceive all of the knowledge taught by Buddha diligently so that it will become your own wisdom. If you don』t perceive and experience with diligence, it cannot be transformed into yours.


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