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American Heroes

We』re facing a crisis unlike any we』ve ever faced in this nation』s history. We』re being challenged, tested, pushed to our limits. I couldn』t be proud of the American people and how they』re responding. We』re coming together, stepping up. You can see it all across the nation – ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. It』s the story of America.

Nowhere is that more true than on the front lines of this crisis. The doctors, the nurses, health care workers, first responders, firefighters, cops, caring for others more than themselves, doing their job in the most difficult of circumstances, putting their lives on the line every day – often without the protective equipment they need and deserve. And still, they don』t stop. This is a war, and these are our soldiers.

As President, I wouldn』t send an American soldier anywhere in the world without the equipment and protection they need – we should not do any less for the heroes on the front lines in this battle we』re in now. We need to support them, pray for them, and when this crisis is over – never forget what they have done.

I』ve talked about the soul of this nation. We』re seeing it. We』re seeing it on display in this crisis: courage, bravery, a belief that we』re all part of something bigger than ourselves. This crisis isn』t going to defeat America – not today, tomorrow or ever.

This is the United States of America – and there』s nothing we can』t do if we do it together. American people have never, ever, ever, ever let their country down. We』ve just gotta given them all they need – now.


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