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Message by Prime Minister Boris Johnson to New Police Recruits

I want to congratulate all those new police recruits who have graduated in the last six months after their recent training. And you police recruits are joining at a time when we』re seeing the bravery and devotion of police officers right across the country – carrying on with tough, demanding duties of policing and, literally, helping to save lives by encouraging people to follow the rules on social distancing. You are, undoubtedly, an incredible weapon in this national battle against the coronavirus pandemic.

And today, thanks to your commitment to protect the people of this country, by signing up, we have more than 3,000 extra police officers on our streets. That』s more than 3,000 extra police officers fighting crime, keeping people safe, and helping in this current crisis to protect our NHS.

When I became Prime Minister, I pledged to get 20,000 more police officers for our communities. You were the first to respond to that call, and I』m delighted that you』re setting us on our way to hit our ultimate target. And despite the difficulties of training in these changed circumstances, you』ve risen to the challenge, including learning about social distancing.

Over the coming weeks, our national recruitment campaign will continue apace, using digital assessment centres for all those wanting to join up. Quite frankly, our police officers are the best in the world, and I say that not just because of the professionalism, the devotion, the personal courage, the willingness to run towards danger that are the hallmarks of our police, but because of the beating heart of public service that sits under the British police officer』s uniform.

And today, as we make progress in the fight-back against coronavirus, I simply want to say: Thank you for your part in this immense national battle which together, I know we will win.



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